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Last active May 29, 2020 22:05
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Setting up WSL2 for dev

Due to some issues with shipping at the moment my Macbook is delayed in getting to me and I will using Windows as my dev machine. These are the steps I took to set it up

Enable WSL 2 (basically required for good performance in most dev work)

Decide between Scoop & Chocolately

Install Ubuntu 20.04

Enable VS Code remote work

Add Profile to Windows terminal (guid doesn't matter, just needs to be unique)

Quick tip: Copy to clipboard from WSL:

cat file.txt | clip.exe

There are issues.... issues I have encountered that are real blockers to adopting a pure WSL workflow microsoft/terminal#632



Useful hack repo:

One way to get systemd working with minimal dependencies (nsenter):

Copy link

LuanVSO commented May 29, 2020

you can create a shortcut with the following command to launch windows terminal as admim:

powershell -NoLogo -NoProfile -WindowStyle Hidden -NonInteractive -Command "start wt -verb runas" 

ps: it briefly shows a conhost window before coming up with the UAC prompt

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