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Created July 7, 2016 12:36
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Analysis of a failed attack (Overwatch: Temple of Anubis)
Our team: Zarya (me), Pharah, Mercy, Tracer, Genji, Roadhog.
* Tracer goes dark and rushes point.
* Genji follows with the same intent.
* Roadhog follows Tracer and Genji.
* Mercy follows Roadhog.
* Enemy Zarya enters dark and targets our Mercy.
* Unbeknownst to me, neither Genji nor Tracer has any clue of this and has no intention of helping in this fight,
and in fact, Tracer is already at on the point.
* I ignore Mercy and Roadhog, instead opting to help Tracer on point. She dies despite my shield. Luckily, both Roadhog and Mercy survive.
* Mercy calls out that she is alone (?!) against the enemy Zarya. I don't know where Farah and Roadhog is?
* Genji kills enemy Junkrat at iron.
* Genji follows the failed capture attempt by the now dead Tracer tries to capture point.
* Roadhog wants to help Genji capture the point, and jumps down from iron to point.
* Genji dies.
* Enemy soldier meets me (Zarya) at market. He manages to hit me with his helix rockets, which pulls me down to low HP.
* Farah wants to help Roadhog capture the point, and jumps down from iron to point.
* Mercy sees me fighting Soldier at low HP and jumps down to market to assist.
* Roadhog and Farah fights valiantly at point, but they are up against Reaper, Zarya and Mercy. Roadhog dies.
* Farah tries to escape, but he dies.
* I manage to get Soldier to low HP, but as he escapes, the rest of the enemy team, having killed Roadhog, is pushing us back.
* Mercy dies, but pulls a panic res just before death arrives. Farah is ressed.
* Farah jumps into the air and survives.
* I die.
So what happened?
Tracer and Genji were too hot. They both went in too quickly and aggressively and bit the bullet because of it.
Roadhog trusted Tracer, Genji and me for support as he pushed dark, but noone was there for him.
Mercy saw a clump of users seemingly going dark, and went in to help, but everyone soon dispersed, leaving her alone.
I should not have gone to help Tracer; she was pushing harder then we could have followed. I should have followed Mercy and Roadhog dark.
Roadhog should not have pushed point when Genji was there; he did not have enough support for it to be a successful push.
As Mercy came out from iron, she helped me since I was low HP, leaving Roadhog alone on point. He could have given me a bit of a heal to survive another helix rocket and then went to help Roadhog instead. Or maybe he could have helped me and then we both could have ignored Soldier and went to point. The fight with Soldier was not a fruitful one.
Farah should not have jumped onto the point with Roadhog. Farah needs to keep her distance, and staying on iron is a good vantage point.
Lesson learned?
Keep an eye out for where your teammates are. Try to keep track of kill feed to get a sense of who is dead and who is alive.
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