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Last active July 3, 2016 06:53
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import random
Simple Back-Propagation Neural Network.
Basic Usage:
X_train = np.array([[1, 1, 3],
[2, 1, 5],
[3, 1, 2]]) # 3x3 array
Y_train = np.array([[1],
[11]]) # 3x1 array
nn = NeuralNetwork([3, 10, 1]) # a 3x10x1 neural network
# Training
nn.train(X_train, Y_train)
X_test = np.array([[1, 2, 4]])
# Prediction
class NeuralNetwork(object):
def __init__(self, nnStruct, r = 0.1):
nnStruct <list>: a list which specify the structure of the neural network
r <float>: the range of random initiation of the weights of links.
nn = NeuralNetwork([2, 6, 1])
# `nn` is a 2x6x1 neural network
self.struct = nnStruct
self.layers = []
self.weights = [None] # None is a place holder, links[i] are links from layer i-1 to i
for layerNodes in nnStruct:
tmp = np.zeros(layerNodes+1)
tmp[0] = 1. # the "constant term" node
for layerID in range(1, len(nnStruct) ):
self.weights.append((np.random.rand(nnStruct[layerID], nnStruct[layerID-1]+1)*2. - 1.) * r)
def __str__(self):
return "NeuralNetwork({})".format(self.struct)
def eval(self, input):
get the prediction form NN with the input
input: np array of correct size
if len(input)!=self.struct[0] :
print("Wrong input shape for NN: {}".format(input.shape))
return None
self.layers[0][1:] = input
for layerID in range(1, len(self.struct)):
self.layers[layerID][1:] = self.weights[layerID].dot(self.layers[layerID-1])
self.layers[layerID][1:] = np.tanh(self.layers[layerID][1:])
return self.layers[-1][1:]
def train(self, train_X, train_Y, eta = 0.1, num_iteration = 1000):
train the NN
train_X : the input, an NxM array.
train_Y : the target values, an NxK array.
eta : the step size to be used in the gradient decend
N = train_X.shape[0]
for iter_index in range(num_iteration):
if iter_index > 0 and (iter_index + 1) % 100 == 0:
print("Training progress: {}% done".format(100.0 * (iter_index + 1) / num_iteration))
random_index = random.sample(range(N), 1)[0]
input = train_X[random_index]
answer = train_Y[random_index]
output = self.eval(input)
delta = []
for i in self.struct:
delta[-1] = -2.*( answer - output ) * (1.-pow(output,2))
for layerID in range(len(self.struct)-2,0,-1):
delta[layerID] = self.weights[layerID+1][:,1:].transpose().dot(delta[layerID+1]) * (1.-pow(self.layers[layerID][1:],2))
for layerID in range(1,len(self.struct)):
self.weights[layerID] -= eta * np.outer(delta[layerID], self.layers[layerID-1])
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