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Last active September 21, 2023 07:27
Saving selected Nuke nodes to file, preserving the root settings
def root_settings_to_string(root):
"""Serialise the project settings. Used when writing the selected
nodes (otherwise things like the frame range would be lost)
# Write non-default settings, in .nk script format. Also write
# user-knob definitons to avoid errors like NUKE-256
rootstring = root.writeKnobs(nuke.TO_SCRIPT | nuke.WRITE_USER_KNOB_DEFS)
# TODO: Why doesn't writeKnobs write [first/last]_frame? Also
# should it ignore the 'name' (script location), or this is
# accidental?
rootstring = "%s\nfirst_frame %d\nlast_frame %d" % (rootstring, root['first_frame'].value(), root['last_frame'].value())
# FIXME: Properly quote format name in case someone is insane and puts quotes etc in their format name
rootstring = "%s\nproxy_format \"%s\"" % (rootstring, root['proxy_format'].toScript())
rootstring = "Root {\n%s\n}" % rootstring
return rootstring
def save_selected(path):
# Copy selected nodes to file
# Hackishly persist root settings
rootstring = root_settings_to_string(nuke.root())
# Open saved nodes, then prepend the root settings string
noroot = open(path).read()
with open(path, "w+") as f:
f.write((rootstring + "\n" + noroot))
# To add to menu:
#"Nuke").findItem("File").addCommand("Save selected (with root settings)",
# lambda: save_selected(path=nuke.getFilename("File to save")))
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