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Created December 20, 2011 14:20
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Get list of films that most frequently use the word "fuck" and fetch the corresponding IMDB ratings.
# WARNING: Ugly hack.
import re
import requests
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
import imdb
print 'Getting data from Wikipedia...'
# Request Wikipedia page
r = requests.get('')
print 'Parsing HTML data...'
# Fetch HTML table
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content)
table = soup.find('table', {'class': 'wikitable sortable'})
rows = table.findAll('tr')
# Parse HTML table
keys = {
0: 'film',
1: 'year',
2: 'fuckcount',
3: 'minutes',
4: 'uses_per_minute',
5: 'source',
6: 'ref'
movies = []
for row in rows[1:]:
rowmap = {}
for i, field in enumerate(row.findAll('td')):
if i == 2:
text = re.sub(r'^([0-9]+).*', r'\1', field.text)
text = field.text
rowmap[keys[i]] = text
# Fetch imdb data
ia = imdb.IMDb()
for movie in movies:
search_result = ia.search_movie(movie['film'])
print 'Fetching IMDB rating for movie %s...' % movie['film']
match = filter(lambda x: x['year'] == int(movie['year']), search_result)[0]
print 'Found match "%s (%s)" with rating %s.' % (match['title'], match['year'], match['rating'])
movie['imdb_rating'] = match['rating']
except (IndexError, KeyError):
movie['imdb_rating'] = None
print 'Found no match.'
print 'Exporting to HTML...'
row_tpl = '<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n'
rows = []
for movie in movies:
rows.append(row_tpl % (movie['film'], movie['fuckcount'], movie['uses_per_minute'], movie['imdb_rating']))
table = '<table><tr><th>Movie</th><th>"Fuck" count</th><th>Uses/Minute</th><th>IMDB Rating</th></tr>%s</table>' % ''.join(rows)
html = '<html><head><title>FCPM IMDB Ratings</title></head><body>%s</body></html>' % table
outfile = open('data.html', 'w')
print '...done.'
print 'Exporting to JSON...'
print '...not yet implemented.'
print 'Done.'
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dbrgn commented Dec 20, 2011

Note: Some of the years on the Wikipedia page seem to be wrong, so it won't fetch those ratings.

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