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Created April 24, 2014 07:33
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#!/usr/bin/awk -f
# input should be a set of numbers, one on each line. can be unsorted.
# non-numeric input will be ignored
# 2-pass algorithm, stores a copy of each number in an array in memory
# this could be changed to assume the input is sorted, but would still
# need to know in advance how many numbers to expect in the full set
# in order to calculate percentiles and the trimmed mean.
n=0; # count of numbers
split("", nums); # initialize array. not necessary
v = $1 + 0;
if (v == $1) { # test for numeric
n += 1;
nums[n] = v;
sum += v;
sumsq += v*v;
} else {
mean = sum / n;
vari = (sumsq - ((sum * sum) / n)) / (n - 1); # naiive approach, can lose precision (awk uses double precision numbers)
# see for alternates
std_dev = sqrt(vari);
heapsort(n, nums); # sort in place
mid = int(n/2)+1;
median = (n % 2) ? nums[mid] : (nums[mid] + nums[mid-1])/2;
trim_sum = 0;
trim_start = int(n/20) + 1; # 5th percentile and below will be dropped
trim_end = n - trim_start; # 95th and up
for (i=trim_start; i<=trim_end; i++) {
trim_sum += nums[i];
trim_mean = trim_sum / (trim_end - trim_start + 1);
min = nums[1];
for (i=1; nums[i] == min; i++) {minctr = i;}
max = nums[n];
for (i=n; nums[i] == max; i--) {maxctr = n - i + 1;}
print "count=" n, "rejected=" rejectctr, "sum=" sum, "mean=" mean, "min=" min, "min_count=" minctr, "max=" max, "max_count=" maxctr, "std_dev=" std_dev, "median=" median, "trim_mean=" trim_mean;
function heapsort (n, ra) {
# from
l = int(0.5+n/2) + 1
ir = n;
for (;;) {
if (l > 1) {
rra = ra[--l];
} else {
rra = ra[ir];
ra[ir] = ra[1];
if (--ir == 1) {
ra[1] = rra;
i = l;
j = l * 2;
while (j <= ir) {
if (j < ir && ra[j] < ra[j+1]) { ++j; }
if (rra < ra[j]) {
ra[i] = ra[j];
j += (i = j);
} else {
j = ir + 1;
ra[i] = rra;
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