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Forked from JoeGermuska/csvcut
Last active July 25, 2022 18:04
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Save dbro/5363017 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Command line 'cut' utility that can handle csv quoting. This allows proper handling of fields that contain delimiters, both field and record delimiters like commas and newlines. Thanks to for the initial version of the code.
#!/usr/bin/env python
Like cut, but for CSVs. To be used from a shell command line.
Note that fields are 1-based, similar to the UNIX 'cut' command.
Should use something better than getopt, but this works...
csvcut foobar.csv
(prints the first column of each row of foobar.csv)
head -10 foobar.csv | csvcut -f 1,3
(prints the first and third columns of the first ten lines of foobar.csv)
csvcut -f 1,3 -d "|" foobar.csv
(prints the first and third columns of the pipe-delimited foobar.csv)
csvcut -f 1,3 -t foobar.csv
(prints the first and third columns of the tab-delimited foobar.csv
if present, the -d option will be ignored.)
csvcut -f 1,3 -T foobar.csv
(prints the first and third columns of the csv-delimited foobar.csv
output will be tab-delimited, and if present, the -o option will be ignored.)
csvcut -h foobar.csv
(prints the values of the first line of foobar.csv, preceded by the field index which would
be used to display that column. If present, the -f option will be ignored.)
csvcut -f 1,2,3 -d "|" -o , foobar.csv
(prints the first three columns of the pipe-delimited foobar.csv; output
will be comma-delimited.)
csvcut -f 1,2,3 -o "|" foobar.csv
(prints the first three columns of the comma-delimited foobar.csv; output
will be pipe-delimited.)
csvcut -o "|" foobar.csv
(prints all the columns of the comma-delimited foobar.csv; output will be
csvcut -f 1,2 -d "," -q "|" foobar.csv
(prints the first two columns of the comma-delimited, pipe-quoted foorbar.csv.)
import sys, csv, getopt
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "f:d:o:q:htT", [])
if args:
i = open(args[0],"U")
i = sys.stdin
delimiter = ','
output_delimiter = ','
cols = []
show_headers = False
if opts:
opts = dict(opts)
show_headers = '-h' in opts
if '-f' in opts:
# reduce field index values by 1 to work with python's 0-based indexing
cols = [(int(c) - 1) for c in opts['-f'].split(",")]
if '-t' in opts:
delimiter = "\t"
elif '-d' in opts:
delimiter = opts['-d']
if '-T' in opts:
output_delimiter = "\t"
elif '-o' in opts:
output_delimiter = opts['-o']
if '-q' in opts:
quotechar = opts['-q']
quotechar = None
writer = csv.writer(sys.stdout, delimiter=output_delimiter)
for row in csv.reader(i, delimiter=delimiter, quotechar=quotechar):
if show_headers:
for i,c in enumerate(row):
print "%3i: %s" % (i+1,c) # add 1 to make 1-based
if len(cols) == 0:
# print all fields
# If some request fields are missing, skip them and keep going
writer.writerow([row[c] for c in cols if c < len(row)])
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dbro commented Apr 12, 2013

This version can tolerate incomplete rows. For example, if column 10 is requested, but some rows only have 5 columns, then the program will continue without error. No missing values will be filled in. In the original version of the code, a fatal error would stop the program.

Other changes:

  • moved the writer definition and int() casting outside the loop, assuming it would speed things up.
  • the behavior of the "-f" parameter is different; to print all fields, omit this parameter. It now uses 1-based indexing to be consistent with UNIX 'cut' usage
  • the default output delimiter has been changed to a comma.
  • enabled tab-delimited output with new "-T" flag

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