echo 'true : package(landmarks.ppx,landmarks)' >> _tags
export OCAML_LANDMARK=auto
topkg build
topkg run exe
_b0 |
_b0 |
(* SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 *) | |
let bigbytes_of_file ?(trunc = false) ?length access file = | |
let module Bigarray = Stdlib.Bigarray (* OCaml < 5 install woes *) in | |
let flags, shared = match access with | |
| `R -> Unix.[O_RDONLY], false | |
| `RW -> Unix.(O_CREAT :: O_RDWR :: if trunc then [O_TRUNC] else []), true | |
in | |
let fd = Unix.openfile file flags 0o644 in | |
let finally () = try Unix.close fd with Unix.Unix_error _ -> () in |
(*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
Copyright (c) 2022 The brr programmers. All rights reserved. | |
Distributed under the ISC license, see terms at the end of the file. | |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
open Brr | |
open Brr_webworkers | |
open Brr_io | |
module type WORK = sig |
(* Simple Buffer.add_json function. *) | |
type json = | |
[ `Null | `Bool of bool | `Float of float | `String of string | |
| `Array of json list | `Object of (string * json) list ] | |
let rec buffer_add_json b = function | |
| `Null -> Buffer.add_string b "null" | |
| `Bool bool -> Buffer.add_string b (if bool then "true" else "false") | |
| `Float f -> Buffer.add_string b (Printf.sprintf "%.16g" f) |
(* OCaml Port of fig. 5-6 of *) | |
let access_level = "user" | |
let main () = | |
if access_level <> "user (* Check if admin *)" then | |
Printf.printf "You are an admin.\n" | |
let () = main () |
(*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
Copyright (c) 2015 The uunf programmers. All rights reserved. | |
Distributed under the ISC license, see terms at the end of the file. | |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) | |
(* WARNING do not edit. This file was automatically generated. *) | |
open Uunf_tmapbool;; | |
let v000 = snil |
> opam switch create 4.06.0 --debug-level=3 | |
00:00.003 GSTATE LOAD-GLOBAL-STATE @ /Users/dbuenzli/.opam | |
00:00.004 SYSTEM LOCK /Users/dbuenzli/.opam/lock (none => read) | |
00:00.004 SYSTEM LOCK /Users/dbuenzli/.opam/config.lock (none => write) | |
00:00.004 FILE(config) Read ~/.opam/config in 0.000s | |
00:00.005 RSTATE LOAD-REPOSITORY-STATE @ /Users/dbuenzli/.opam | |
00:00.008 FILE(repos-config) Read ~/.opam/repo/repos-config in 0.003s | |
00:00.008 SYSTEM LOCK /Users/dbuenzli/.opam/repo/state.cache (none => read) | |
00:00.108 RSTATE Loaded /Users/dbuenzli/.opam/repo/state.cache in 0.099s | |
00:00.264 SYSTEM LOCK /Users/dbuenzli/.opam/repo/state.cache (read => none) |
echo 'true : package(landmarks.ppx,landmarks)' >> _tags
export OCAML_LANDMARK=auto
topkg build
topkg run exe
In order to deprecate a feature from the OCaml system the following steps are taken: