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Last active January 4, 2024 09:17
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// 元のコード→
#include <array> // for std::array
#include <cmath> // for std::asin, std::cos, std::exp, std::fabs, std::hypot, std::log, std::sqrt, std::sin
#include <cstdint> // for std::int32_t
#include <iomanip> // for std::setprecision
#include <ios> // for std::ios::fixed, std::ios::floatfield
#include <iostream> // for std::cout, std::endl
#include <utility> // for std::make_pair, std::pair
#include <vector> // for std::vector
#define __AVX2_AVAILABLE__
#include "SIMDInstructionSet.h"
#include "Xoshiro256Plus.h"
namespace {
static auto constexpr ALPHA_0 = 0.8; // 変分を始める初期値
static auto constexpr H = 1.0E-3; // 数値微分の幅
static auto constexpr NSAMPLES = 30000;
static auto constexpr NSKIP = 4000;
static auto constexpr NWALKERS = 400;
static auto constexpr SEED = 20240102;
static auto constexpr SIGMA = 0.4; // metropoliswalkでの正規乱数の分散
static auto constexpr THRESHOLD = 1.0E-6;
class MyRand final {
using Xoshiro256PlusAVX2 = SEFUtility::RNG::Xoshiro256Plus<SIMDInstructionSet::AVX2>;
static auto constexpr ARRAYSIZE = 4;
MyRand(double mean, double sigma);
MyRand() = delete;
~MyRand() = default;
double normal_dist_rand();
double rand();
void make_nor_rndarray();
void make_rndarray();
Xoshiro256PlusAVX2 avx_rng_;
std::int32_t cnt_nor_rnd_ = 0;
std::int32_t cnt_rnd_ = 0;
double mean_;
alignas(32) std::array<double, ARRAYSIZE> normal_dist_randarray_;
__m256d randarray_;
double sigma_;
struct Walker_pos {
: x_(NWALKERS, 0.0)
, y_(NWALKERS, 0.0)
, z_(NWALKERS, 0.0)
std::vector<double> x_;
std::vector<double> y_;
std::vector<double> z_;
void initial_position(MyRand& mr, Walker_pos& wa_pos);
std::pair<double, double> metropolis_test(double alpha, MyRand& mr);
void run_vmc();
int main()
return 0;
namespace {
inline MyRand::MyRand(double mean, double sigma)
: avx_rng_(SEED)
, mean_(mean)
, sigma_(sigma)
// inline void MyRand::make_nor_rndarray()
// {
// static auto const pi = std::asin(1.0) * 2.0;
// __m256d pi_vec = _mm256_set1_pd(pi);
// __m256d sigma_vec = _mm256_set1_pd(sigma_);
// __m256d two_vec = _mm256_set1_pd(2.0);
// __m256d minus_two_vec = _mm256_set1_pd(-2.0);
// // Generate 4 random numbers at once using a suitable AVX2-optimized random number generator
// __m256d p_vec = avx_rng_.dnext4();
// __m256d q_vec = avx_rng_.dnext4();
// // Calculate intermediate values using AVX2 instructions
// __m256d log_p_vec = _mm256_set_pd(std::log(p_vec[0]), std::log(p_vec[1]), std::log(p_vec[2]), std::log(p_vec[3]));
// __m256d sqrt_minus_two_log_p_vec = _mm256_sqrt_pd(_mm256_mul_pd(minus_two_vec, log_p_vec));
// auto const tmp1_vec = _mm256_mul_pd(two_vec, _mm256_mul_pd(pi_vec, q_vec));
// __m256d cos_vec = _mm256_set_pd(std::cos(tmp1_vec[0]), std::cos(tmp1_vec[1]), std::cos(tmp1_vec[2]), std::cos(tmp1_vec[3]));
// auto const tmp2_vec = _mm256_mul_pd(two_vec, _mm256_mul_pd(pi_vec, q_vec));
// __m256d sin_vec = _mm256_set_pd(std::sin(tmp2_vec[0]), std::sin(tmp2_vec[1]), std::sin(tmp2_vec[2]), std::sin(tmp2_vec[3]));
// // Combine results and store in the output array
// _mm256_storeu_pd(, _mm256_mul_pd(sigma_vec, _mm256_blend_pd(cos_vec, sin_vec, 0b1010)));
// _mm256_storeu_pd( + 4, _mm256_mul_pd(sigma_vec, _mm256_blend_pd(sin_vec, cos_vec, 0b1010)));
// }
inline void MyRand::make_nor_rndarray()
auto const u = avx_rng_.dnext4();
normal_dist_randarray_ = { sigma_ * std::sqrt(-2.0 * std::log(u[0])),
sigma_ * std::sqrt(-2.0 * std::log(u[1])),
sigma_ * std::sqrt(-2.0 * std::log(u[2])),
sigma_ * std::sqrt(-2.0 * std::log(u[3])) };
inline void MyRand::make_rndarray()
randarray_ = avx_rng_.dnext4();
inline double MyRand::normal_dist_rand()
auto const val = normal_dist_randarray_[cnt_nor_rnd_];
if (cnt_nor_rnd_ >= ARRAYSIZE) {
cnt_nor_rnd_ = 0;
return val;
inline double MyRand::rand()
auto const val = randarray_[cnt_rnd_];
if (cnt_rnd_ >= ARRAYSIZE) {
cnt_rnd_ = 0;
return val;
void initial_position(MyRand& mr, Walker_pos& wa_pos)
for (auto i = 0; i < NWALKERS; i++) {
wa_pos.x_[i] = (mr.rand() - 0.5) * 2.0 * 2.0;
wa_pos.y_[i] = (mr.rand() - 0.5) * 2.0 * 2.0;
wa_pos.z_[i] = (mr.rand() - 0.5) * 2.0 * 2.0;
std::pair<double, double> metropolis_test(double alpha, MyRand& mr)
std::vector<double> E_w(NWALKERS, 0.0);
std::vector<double> Edlnpsi_w(NWALKERS, 0.0);
std::vector<double> dlnpsi_w(NWALKERS, 0.0);
Walker_pos wa_pos;
initial_position(mr, wa_pos);
for (auto i = 0; i < NSAMPLES; i++) {
// Metropolis Testを行う
for (auto j = 0; j < NWALKERS; j++) {
auto const x = wa_pos.x_[j];
auto const y = wa_pos.y_[j];
auto const z = wa_pos.z_[j];
auto const xp = x + mr.normal_dist_rand();
auto const yp = y + mr.normal_dist_rand();
auto const zp = z + mr.normal_dist_rand();
auto const r = std::hypot(x, y, z);
auto const rp = std::hypot(xp, yp, zp);
if (mr.rand() < std::exp(2.0 * alpha * (-rp + r))) {
wa_pos.x_[j] = xp;
wa_pos.y_[j] = yp;
wa_pos.z_[j] = zp;
// Metropolis Testの終了
// 変数を更新し終えた
// walkerについて<E>や<Edlnpsi>,<dlnpsi>を計算する.
if (i >= NSKIP) {
auto const rtemp = std::hypot(wa_pos.x_[j], wa_pos.y_[j], wa_pos.z_[j]);
E_w[j] += -1.0 / rtemp - 0.5 * alpha * (alpha - 2.0 / rtemp);
Edlnpsi_w[j] += -rtemp * (-1.0 / rtemp - 0.5 * alpha * (alpha - 2.0 / rtemp));
dlnpsi_w[j] -= rtemp;
auto E = 0.0; // 変数の初期化
auto Edlnpsi = 0.0;
auto dlnpsi = 0.0;
for (auto i = 0; i < NWALKERS; i++) {
E_w[i] /= static_cast<double>(NSAMPLES - NSKIP);
Edlnpsi_w[i] /= static_cast<double>(NSAMPLES - NSKIP);
dlnpsi_w[i] /= static_cast<double>(NSAMPLES - NSKIP);
// walker全ての平均を取ることにする
for (auto j = 0; j < NWALKERS; j++) {
E += E_w[j];
Edlnpsi += Edlnpsi_w[j];
dlnpsi += dlnpsi_w[j];
Edlnpsi /= NWALKERS;
dlnpsi /= NWALKERS; // dE/dalphaの計算をするための部品を計算した.
auto const dE = 2.0 * (Edlnpsi - E * dlnpsi); // dE/dalphaの計算ができた.
return std::make_pair(E, dE);
void run_vmc()
MyRand mr(0.0, SIGMA);
std::cout.setf(std::ios::fixed, std::ios::floatfield);
double alpha_ini; // Newton法の始まり値
auto alpha_fin = ALPHA_0; // Newton法の更新値
do {
alpha_ini = alpha_fin; // 前のループの結果を始まりの値に代入
// **********************************************
// alpha_iniでのエネルギーの微分dE/dalphaを計算する.
// **********************************************
auto const dE = metropolis_test(alpha_ini, mr).second;
// ***************************
// ddE/ddalphaの数値微分を行う.
// **************************
auto const alpha_plus = alpha_ini + H; // 微分のためにalphaを変化させる
auto const alpha_minus = alpha_ini - H;
// *********************************
// *********************************
// alpha_plusでのdE/dalphaを計算する.
// *********************************
// *********************************
auto const dE_plus = metropolis_test(alpha_plus, mr).second;
// *********************************
// *********************************
// alpha_minusでのdE/dalphaを計算する.
// *********************************
// *********************************
auto const dE_minus = metropolis_test(alpha_minus, mr).second; // dE/dalpha_minusの計算ができた.
// *************************************************
// *************************************************
// alphaをNewton法で求めるための部品をすべて計算し終えた
// *************************************************
// *************************************************
// alphaの更新を行う
auto const ddE = (dE_plus - dE_minus) / (2.0 * H); // dE/dalphaの数値微分ddEが計算できた.
alpha_fin = alpha_ini - dE / ddE; // alphaを更新する.
std::cout << std::setprecision(10)
<< "alpha_fin = "
<< alpha_fin
<< ", alpha_ini = "
<< alpha_ini
<< '\n';
} while (std::fabs(alpha_fin - alpha_ini) > THRESHOLD);
auto const alpha_va = alpha_fin; // 変分で最適化した変分パラメータ
std::cout << "エネルギーが最小になる変分パラメータはα = " << alpha_va << '\n';
// ****************************************************
// alpha_vaでの変分で求めた基底状態のエネルギーを計算しよう
// ****************************************************
std::cout << "基底状態のエネルギーは"
<< metropolis_test(alpha_va, mr).first
<< " (Hartree)"
<< std::endl;
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