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April 25, 2020 14:06
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**NOT IN USE** a very old .vimrc, minimal one is here:
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | |
" __ __ ____ | |
" / | \ |___ | |
" \__ |__/ ____| | |
" | |
" Author: Dongsheng Cai | |
" Version: 1.0 | |
" Modified: 29/08/2014 | |
" Changelog: | |
" 06/03/2013 vundle | |
" 04/04/2013 gui_qt | |
" | |
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | |
set nocompatible | |
" sometimes vim confused with shell | |
"set shell=/bin/bash\ --norc\ --noprofile | |
set shell=/bin/sh | |
filetype off | |
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/vundle/ | |
set suffixes=.bak,~,.swp,.o,.info,.aux,.log,.dvi,.bbl,.blg,.brf,.cb,.ind,.idx,.ilg,.inx,.out,.toc | |
call vundle#begin() | |
"Plugin 'jceb/vim-orgmode' | |
Plugin 'dag/vim-fish' | |
Plugin 'gmarik/vundle' | |
Plugin 'vimwiki/vimwiki' | |
Plugin 'jlanzarotta/bufexplorer' | |
Plugin 'scrooloose/nerdcommenter' | |
Plugin '' | |
Plugin 'kien/ctrlp.vim' | |
Plugin 'tpope/vim-surround' | |
Plugin 'majutsushi/tagbar' | |
" also known as ZenCoding | |
"Plugin 'mattn/emmet-vim' | |
Plugin 'nginx.vim' | |
Plugin 'Python-Syntax' | |
Plugin 'wlangstroth/vim-racket' | |
" With php 5.6 | |
Plugin 'StanAngeloff/php.vim' | |
" Color | |
Plugin 'Solarized' | |
"Plugin 'rking/ag.vim' | |
"Plugin 'rails.vim' | |
" Syntax | |
Plugin 'derekwyatt/vim-scala' | |
"Plugin 'Textile-for-VIM' | |
call vundle#end() | |
filetype on | |
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | |
" core setting | |
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | |
if exists("syntax_on") | |
syntax reset | |
else | |
syntax on | |
endif | |
filetype plugin indent on | |
set history=10 | |
set autoread | |
set spelllang=en | |
set nowb | |
set mouse=a | |
set noerrorbells | |
set novisualbell | |
set showcmd | |
" Avoid hit ENTER to continue | |
set shortmess=a | |
"set t_vb | |
set ve=all | |
set backspace=indent,eol,start " more powerful backspacing | |
set nofoldenable | |
set cryptmethod=blowfish | |
let g:OS=substitute(system('uname'), "\n", "", "") | |
let g:USER=substitute(system('whoami'), "\n", "", "") | |
let g:ISGUI=has('gui_running') | |
if OS == 'Linux' | |
let list=["/home/", $USER, "/"] | |
elseif OS == 'FreeBSD' | |
let list=["/home/", $USER, "/"] | |
elseif OS == "Darwin" | |
let list=["/Users/", $USER, "/"] | |
endif | |
let g:HOME=join(list, "") | |
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | |
" PHP Settings | |
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | |
"set efm=%EError\ %n,%Cline\ %l,%Ccolumn\ %c,%Z%m | |
set makeprg=php\ -l\ % | |
set errorformat=%m\ in\ %f\ on\ line\ %l | |
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | |
" wrap | |
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | |
set wrap | |
set textwidth=0 | |
set linebreak | |
" note trailing space at end of next line | |
"set showbreak=>\ \ \ | |
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | |
" Search Setting | |
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | |
set ignorecase | |
"set noic | |
set hls | |
set incsearch | |
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | |
" backup | |
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | |
let g:backupdir="~/.vim_backups" | |
if !isdirectory(expand(backupdir)) | |
call mkdir(expand(backupdir)) | |
endif | |
set backupdir=backupdir | |
set nobackup | |
"set directory=~/.vim_backups/,. | |
set noswapfile | |
set switchbuf=usetab | |
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | |
" UI Setting | |
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | |
set number | |
"Disable toolbar, go = guioptions | |
set guioptions=ar | |
"remove menu | |
set guioptions-=m | |
"remove toolbar | |
set guioptions-=T | |
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | |
" Enable status bar | |
" if vim version >= 7, the style of bar will be | |
" changed | |
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | |
set laststatus=2 | |
if version >= 700 | |
au InsertEnter * hi StatusLine guibg=#818D29 guifg=#FCFCFC gui=none | |
au InsertLeave * hi StatusLine guibg=#EEEEEE guifg=#363636 gui=none | |
endif | |
set statusline=%<%F\ [%Y]\ [%{&ff}]\ %h%m%r%=%k[%{(&fenc==\"\")?&enc:&fenc}%{(&bomb?\",\ BOM\":\",\ NOBOM\")}]\ %-14.(%l,%c%V%)\ %P | |
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | |
" Encoding and Decoding | |
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | |
set fileformat=unix | |
set fileencodings=utf-8,gbk,big5,latin1 | |
if !ISGUI | |
set termencoding=utf-8 | |
endif | |
set enc=utf-8 | |
set langmenu=zh_CN.utf8 | |
if has ('multi_byte') && v:version > 601 | |
if v:lang =~? '^\(zh\)\|\(ja\)\|\(ko\)' | |
set ambiwidth=double | |
endif | |
endif | |
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | |
" Indent setting | |
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | |
set expandtab | |
set softtabstop=4 | |
set shiftwidth=4 | |
set smarttab | |
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | |
" Plugin settings | |
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | |
let python_highlight_all=1 | |
let Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close=1 | |
let Tlist_Inc_Winwidth=0 | |
let g:explVertical=1 | |
let g:explWinSize=35 | |
let g:winManagerWidth=35 | |
let g:winManagerLayout='FileExplorer,TagsExplorer|BufExplorer' | |
set tags=./tags,./../tags,./../../tags,./../../../tags,./../../../../tags,./*/tags | |
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | |
" Keep in curr dir | |
" Vim tip #64 | |
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | |
function! CHANGE_CURR_DIR() | |
let _dir = expand("%:p:h") | |
exec "cd " . _dir . "" | |
unlet _dir | |
endfunction | |
"autocmd BufEnter * call CHANGE_CURR_DIR() | |
" | |
autocmd BufEnter * silent! lcd %:p:h:gs/ /\\ / | |
function! SoftWrap() | |
let s:old_tw = &textwidth | |
set tw=999999 | |
normal gggqG | |
let &tw = s:old_tw | |
endfunction | |
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | |
" Visual Search | |
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | |
" From an idea by Michael Naumann | |
function! VisualSearch(direction) range | |
let l:saved_reg = @" | |
execute "normal! vgvy" | |
let l:pattern = escape(@", '\\/.*$^~[]') | |
let l:pattern = substitute(l:pattern, "\n$", "", "") | |
if a:direction == 'b' | |
execute "normal ?" . l:pattern . "^M" | |
else | |
execute "normal /" . l:pattern . "^M" | |
endif | |
let @/ = l:pattern | |
let @" = l:saved_reg | |
endfunction | |
" Basically you press * or # to search | |
" for the current selection !! Really useful | |
vnoremap <silent> * :call VisualSearch('f')<CR> | |
vnoremap <silent> # :call VisualSearch('b')<CR> | |
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | |
" Abbreviations | |
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | |
:ab #b /**<CR><Space>* | |
:ab #e <Space>*/ | |
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | |
" key mapping | |
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | |
" Press <Home> or <End> to the 1st and last | |
" char of the line | |
noremap <expr> <Home> (col('.') == matchend(getline('.'), '^\s*')+1 ? '0' : '^') | |
noremap <expr> <End> (col('.') == match(getline('.'), '\s*$') ? '$' : 'g_') | |
vnoremap <expr> <End> (col('.') == match(getline('.'), '\s*$') ? '$h' : 'g_') | |
imap <Home> <C-o><Home> | |
imap <End> <C-o><End> | |
let mapleader = "," | |
let g:mapleader = "," | |
let maplocalleader = "," | |
let g:maplocalleader = "," | |
" Allow saving of files as sudo when I forgot to start vim using sudo. | |
cmap w!! %!sudo tee > /dev/null % | |
" copy/paste from system clipboard | |
if OS == 'Linux' | |
nmap <leader>c "+y | |
vmap <leader>c "+y | |
nmap <leader>p :set paste<CR>"+p :set nopaste<CR> | |
elseif OS == 'Darwin' | |
set clipboard=unnamed | |
endif | |
map <leader>e :e! $HOME/.vim/vimrc<cr> | |
map <leader>s :source $HOME/.vim/vimrc<cr> | |
" see buffer list | |
map <c-l> :BufExplorer<cr> | |
map <leader>l :BufExplorer<cr> | |
" close buffer | |
map <leader>k :bd!<cr> | |
map <leader>t :TagbarToggle<cr> | |
map <leader>q :q<cr> | |
map <leader>w :w!<cr> | |
map <leader>fw :w !sudo tee > /dev/null %<cr> | |
map <leader>u :set fileencoding=utf8<cr> | |
map <c-j> <ESC>:bn<CR> | |
map <c-k> <ESC>:bp<CR> | |
map <leader>i <ESC>:r! cat<CR> | |
nnoremap j gj | |
nnoremap k gk | |
vnoremap j gj | |
vnoremap k gk | |
nnoremap <Down> gj | |
nnoremap <Up> gk | |
vnoremap <Down> gj | |
vnoremap <Up> gk | |
inoremap <Down> <C-o>gj | |
inoremap <Up> <C-o>gk | |
" source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim | |
" make :Man command avaliable | |
" Default MANPAGER vimmanpager doesn't play well | |
" with the :Man command and we don't want to see raw colour codes | |
" so we use sed to strip them. | |
let $MANPAGER = "sed -e 's:\\x1B\\[[[:digit:]]\\+m::g'" | |
" Common code for encodings, used by *.nfo files | |
function! SetFileEncodings(encodings) | |
let b:myfileencodingsbak=&fileencodings | |
let &fileencodings=a:encodings | |
endfunction | |
function! RestoreFileEncodings() | |
let &fileencodings=b:myfileencodingsbak | |
unlet b:myfileencodingsbak | |
endfunction | |
if ISGUI | |
set background=dark | |
"set background=light | |
colorscheme solarized | |
"colorscheme manuscript | |
if or(has("gui_qt"), has('gui_gtk2')) | |
"set guifont=Inconsolata\ 14 | |
"set guifont=DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono\ 12 | |
"set guifont=Bitstream\ Vera\ Sans\ Mono\ 14 | |
set guifont=FantasqueSansMono\ 14 | |
else | |
set guifont=Monaco:h14 | |
endif | |
else | |
"set background=light | |
"colorscheme slate | |
"colorscheme solarized | |
colorscheme desert | |
"colorscheme zenburn | |
endif | |
"Tagbar | |
let g:tagbar_autofocus = 1 | |
" ctrl-p | |
let g:ctrlp_working_path_mode = 'ra' | |
let g:ctrlp_map = '<c-p>' | |
let g:ctrlp_cmd = 'CtrlP' | |
let g:ctrlp_custom_ignore = { | |
\ 'dir': '\v[\/]\.(git|hg|svn|CVS)$', | |
\ 'file': '\v\.(exe|so|dll|jar|pdf|doc|jpg|png|gif)$', | |
\ 'link': 'SOME_BAD_SYMBOLIC_LINKS', | |
\ } | |
" zen coding | |
let g:user_zen_settings = { | |
\ 'php' : { | |
\ 'extends' : 'html', | |
\ 'filters' : 'c', | |
\ }, | |
\ 'xml' : { | |
\ 'extends' : 'html', | |
\ }, | |
\'haml' : { | |
\ 'extends' : 'html', | |
\ }, | |
\ 'extends' : 'html', | |
\ } | |
" vimwiki | |
let g:vimwiki_ext2syntax = {'.md': 'markdown', '.markdown': 'markdown', '.mdown': 'markdown'} | |
let g:vimwiki_use_mouse = 1 | |
let g:vimwiki_CJK_length = 1 | |
let g:wiki_1 = { | |
\ 'auto_export': 0, | |
\ 'custom_wiki2html': '~/Dropbox/src/php/phpvimwiki/main.php', | |
\ 'path': '~/Dropbox/mysite/contents/wiki', | |
\ 'path_html': '~/Dropbox/mysite_html/wiki', | |
\ 'template_path': '~/Dropbox/mysite/contents/wiki/templates', | |
\ 'template_default': 'default', | |
\ 'template_ext': '.tpl', | |
\ 'syntax': 'markdown', | |
\ 'ext': '.md', | |
\ 'css_name': 'wikistyle.css', | |
\ 'list_margin': 0, | |
\ } | |
let g:vimwiki_list = [wiki_1] |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
see |
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