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dcantu476 / calculate_chrome_bookmark_checksum.js
Created May 2, 2021 16:15
Nodejs implementation of creating the chromium bookmark checksum. Fork of python version.
import { createHash } from 'crypto';
// See
// See
const regenChecksum = (roots) => {
const digest = createHash('md5');
const digestUrl = (url) => {
dcantu476 / pizza-shop-7.ts
Last active February 3, 2020 19:14
Pizza Shop
const pizzaChef = pizzaCookingSubject.subscribe((event: string) => {
// Tell chef a step is complete so he can start the next step.
if (employeeIsClockedIn && employeeIsResponsibleForTask) {
const pizzaCustomer = pizzaCustomer.subscribe((event: string) => {
// Tell the customer a status update.
if (userAllowsNotifications) {
dcantu476 / pizza-shop-6.ts
Last active February 3, 2020 19:08
Pizza Shop
const pizzaCookingSubject = new Subject();
build() {
// Do any steps to build a pizza'Build Done');
bake() {
// Bake your pizza'Baking Done');
dcantu476 / pizza-shop-5.ts
Last active February 3, 2020 19:02
Pizza Shop
build() {
// Add the Toppings!
if (userAllowsNotifications) {
notifyTheCustomerOfTheStatus("Pizza is ready for the oven!");
if (employeeIsClockedIn && employeeIsResponsibleForTask) {
notifyTheEmployeesOfTheStatus("Pizza is ready for the oven!");
bake() {
dcantu476 / pizza-shop-4.ts
Created February 3, 2020 19:00
Pizza Shop
build() {
// Add the Toppings!
notifyTheCustomerOfTheStatus("Pizza is ready for the oven!");
if (employeeIsClockedIn && employeeIsResponsibleForTask) {
notifyTheEmployeesOfTheStatus("Pizza is ready for the oven!");
dcantu476 / pizza-shop-3.ts
Created February 3, 2020 18:59
Pizza Shop
build() {
// Add the Toppings!
notifyTheCustomerOfTheStatus("Pizza is ready for the oven!");
notifyTheEmployeesOfTheStatus("Pizza is ready for the oven!");
dcantu476 / pizza-shop-2.ts
Last active February 3, 2020 18:56
Pizza Shop
build() {
// Add the Toppings!
notifyTheCustomerOfTheStatus("Pizza is ready for the oven!");
bake() {
// Put it in the oven and let it bake!
notifyTheCustomerOfTheStatus("Pizza is done baking!");
box() {
// Let it cool and then box it up!
dcantu476 / pizza-shop-1.ts
Last active February 3, 2020 18:51
build() {
// Add the Toppings!
bake() {
// Put it in the oven and let it bake!
box() {
// Let it cool and then box it up!