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Last active August 28, 2015 09:23
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Building projection schema
package chana.jpql
import chana.jpql.nodes._
import chana.schema.SchemaBoard
import org.apache.avro.Schema
import org.apache.avro.SchemaBuilder
import org.apache.avro.SchemaBuilder.FieldAssembler
import scala.collection.immutable
sealed abstract class MetaNode {
def name: String
def parent: Option[MetaNode]
def schema: Schema
private var _children = List[MetaNode]()
def children = _children
def containsChild(node: MetaNode) = _children.contains(node)
def findChild(name: String) = _children.find( == name)
def addChild(node: MetaNode) = {
if (isClosed) {
throw new RuntimeException("is closed, can not add child any more")
} else {
_children ::= node
private var _isClosed: Boolean = _
def isClosed = _isClosed
def close() { _isClosed = true }
def isRoot = parent.isEmpty
def isLeaf = _children.isEmpty
override def toString = {
val sb = new StringBuilder(this.getClass.getSimpleName).append("(")
if (children.nonEmpty) {
sb.append(", ").append(children).append(")")
final case class FieldNode(name: String, parent: Option[MetaNode], schema: Schema) extends MetaNode
final case class MapKeyNode(name: String, parent: Option[MetaNode], schema: Schema) extends MetaNode
final case class MapValueNode(name: String, parent: Option[MetaNode], schema: Schema) extends MetaNode
final class JPQLMetadataEvaluator(jpqlKey: String, schemaBoard: SchemaBoard) extends JPQLEvaluator {
private var asToProjectionNode = Map[String, (Schema, MetaNode)]()
private def projectionNamespace(namespace: String) = {
namespace + "." + jpqlKey
def collectMetaSet(root: Statement, record: Any): Iterable[Schema] = {
root match {
case SelectStatement(select, from, where, groupby, having, orderby) =>
fromClause(from, record)
asToProjectionNode = asToEntity.foldLeft(Map[String, (Schema, MetaNode)]()) {
case (acc, (as, entityName)) =>
schemaBoard.schemaOf(entityName) match {
case Some(schema) => acc + (as -> (schema, FieldNode(schema.getName.toLowerCase, None, schema)))
case None => acc
selectClause(select, record)
// skip wherecluse which is not necessary to be considered
// visit groupby, having and orderby to collect necessary dataset
groupby foreach { x => groupbyClause(x, record) }
having foreach { x => havingClause(x, record) }
orderby foreach { x => orderbyClause(x, record) }
asToProjectionNode map {
case (as, (entitySchema, projectionNode)) =>
println("projection node: " + projectionNode)
visitProjectionNode(jpqlKey, projectionNode, null).endRecord
case UpdateStatement(update, set, where) => null // NOT YET
case DeleteStatement(delete, where) => null // NOT YET
private def collectLeastProjectionNodes(qual: String, attrPaths: List[String]) {
if (isToCollect) {
asToProjectionNode.get(qual) match {
case Some((schema, projectionNode)) =>
var currSchema = schema
var currNode: MetaNode = projectionNode
var key = new StringBuilder(qual)
var paths = attrPaths
while (paths.nonEmpty) {
val path = paths.head
paths = paths.tail
// check if currNode has been targeted
if (!currNode.isClosed) {
val pathNode = currNode.findChild(path) match {
case Some(child) => child
case None =>
currSchema.getType match {
case Schema.Type.RECORD =>
val field = currSchema.getField(path)
currSchema = field.schema.getType match {
case Schema.Type.RECORD => field.schema
case Schema.Type.UNION => chana.avro.getFirstNoNullTypeOfUnion(field.schema)
case Schema.Type.ARRAY => field.schema // TODO should be ArrayField ?
case Schema.Type.MAP => field.schema // TODO should be MapKeyField/MapValueField ?
case _ => field.schema
val child = FieldNode(path, Some(currNode), currSchema)
case Schema.Type.UNION =>
val field = currSchema.getField(path)
currSchema = chana.avro.getFirstNoNullTypeOfUnion(field.schema)
val child = FieldNode(path, Some(currNode), currSchema)
case Schema.Type.ARRAY => throw JPQLRuntimeException(currSchema, "is not a record when fetch its attribute: " + path) // TODO
case Schema.Type.MAP => throw JPQLRuntimeException(currSchema, "is not a record when fetch its attribute: " + path) // TODO
case _ => throw JPQLRuntimeException(currSchema, "is not a record when fetch its attribute: " + path)
currNode = pathNode
case _ => throw JPQLRuntimeException(qual, "is not an AS alias of entity")
private def visitProjectionNode(id: String, node: MetaNode, fieldAssembler: FieldAssembler[Schema]): FieldAssembler[Schema] = {
val schema = node.schema
if (node.isLeaf) {`type`(schema).noDefault
} else if (node.isRoot) {
val assembler = SchemaBuilder.record(schema.getName).namespace(projectionNamespace(schema.getNamespace)).fields
node.children.foldLeft(assembler) { (acc, x) => visitProjectionNode(id, x, acc) }
} else {
schema.getType match {
case Schema.Type.RECORD =>
val assembler = SchemaBuilder.record(schema.getName).namespace(projectionNamespace(schema.getNamespace)).fields()
val recSchema = node.children.foldLeft(assembler) { (acc, x) => visitProjectionNode(id, x, acc) }.endRecord`type`(recSchema).noDefault
case _ => throw JPQLRuntimeException(schema, "should not have children: " + node)
override def pathExprOrVarAccess(expr: PathExprOrVarAccess, record: Any): Any = {
val qual = qualIdentVar(expr.qual, record)
val paths = expr.attributes map { x => attribute(x, record) }
collectLeastProjectionNodes(qual, paths)
override def pathExpr(expr: PathExpr, record: Any): Any = {
val qual = qualIdentVar(expr.qual, record)
val paths = expr.attributes map { x => attribute(x, record) }
collectLeastProjectionNodes(qual, paths)
override def orderbyItem(item: OrderbyItem, record: Any): Any = {
val orderingItem = item.expr match {
case Left(x) => simpleArithExpr(x, record)
case Right(x) => scalarExpr(x, record)
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