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Created September 11, 2012 18:01
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Actor Based Prime: should private (make them final) each case class and extended Reactor for performance
import System.{currentTimeMillis => now}
import collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import actors.Actor
import scala.actors.Reactor
* @author <a href="mailto:[email protected]">zhongl<a>
object ActorBasedPrime extends App {
val (num, parallels) = args match {
case Array(n) => (n.toInt, sys.runtime.availableProcessors() * 2)
case Array(n, f) => (n.toInt, sys.runtime.availableProcessors() * f.toInt)
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException
val (elapse, count) = time { countPrimeIn(num, parallels) }
printf("the count of primes from 1 to %1$s is: %2$s, time elapse: %3$,d ms\n", num, count, elapse)
private def countPrimeIn(num: Int, parallels: Int) = {
var count = 1 // include num number: 2
var finished = 0
var running = true
val workers = splitRange(3, num, parallels) map { new Worker(_, Actor.self) }
while (running) {
Actor.receive {
case FoundPrime(n) => workers foreach { _ ! FoundPrime(n) }; count += 1
case Finish => finished += 1; if (finished == parallels) running = false
private def splitRange(from: Int, to: Int, parts: Int) = {
val range = to - from
val step = range / (parts - 1)
def begin(i: Int) = from + (i * step)
def end(i: Int) = math.min(begin(i) + step, to)
0 until parts map { i => (begin(i), end(i)) }
private class Worker(range: (Int, Int), main: Actor) extends Reactor[Any] {
val (from, to) = range
val primes = new ArrayBuffer[Int]
var max = 2
@inline def findDivisibleOf(value: Int): Option[Int] = {
val divisible = value % (_: Int) == 0
primes find { divisible } orElse { max until value find { divisible } }
def finish() { main ! Finish; printf("Range(%1$d, %2$d) is over.\n", from, to); exit() }
def act = loop {
react {
case FoundPrime(n) if (n < to) => primes += n; max = math.max(max, n)
case CheckPrime(n) =>
if (findDivisibleOf(n).isEmpty) main ! FoundPrime(n)
if (n + 1 < to) this ! CheckPrime(n + 1) else finish()
Worker.this ! CheckPrime(from)
private def time[T](fun: => T) = {
val begin = now
val res = fun
(now - begin, res)
private case class Finish()
private case class FoundPrime(num: Int)
private case class CheckPrime(num: Int)
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