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Last active February 19, 2019 10:58
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Refinement Types in Scala
import eu.timepit.refined._
import eu.timepit.refined.api._
import eu.timepit.refined.numeric._
import eu.timepit.refined.boolean._
import eu.timepit.refined.char._
import eu.timepit.refined.collection._
import eu.timepit.refined.generic._
import eu.timepit.refined.string._
* Refined Types:
* You'll need at least these two libraries:
* "eu.timepit" %% "refined" % refinedVersion
* "io.circe" %% "circe-refined" % circeVersion
* The refined library lets us *constrain* the set of possible values for a type.
* A `Refined[Int, Positive]` is an integer that can only ever be positive.
// We can do this using the `refineMV` macro explicitly.
// This will check that the number literal `1` is indeed positive, during compilation.
import eu.timepit.refined.refineMV
val b: Refined[Int, Positive] = refineMV(1)
// Or we can use an implicit macro:
val a: Refined[Int, Positive] = 1
// Assigning non-positive integers will not type-check, i.e. compilation will fail.
// val c: Refined[Int, Positive] = -2
// val c: Refined[Int, Positive] = refineMV(-2)
* `Refined[Int, Positive]` can also be written as `Int Refined Positive` in infix notation.
// W.`2`.T is a type that represents the number 2
val e: Int Refined Greater[W.`2`.T] = 3
val f: Int Refined (Greater[W.`2`.T] And Less[W.`10`.T]) = 8
val g: Int Refined Interval.Closed[W.`2`.T, W.`10`.T] = 8
val h: String Refined MatchesRegex[W.`".*localhost.*"`.T] = "localhost"
val i: String Refined Url = "http://localhost"
val j: String Refined MaxSize[W.`16`.T] = "abcdefghijklmnop"
val k: String Refined NonEmpty = "1"
* The implicit and the explicit `refineMV` macros work only on values available at compile-time,
* like string and number literals, e.g. "hello", 2, 5.0, true, etc.
* To validate values not available at compile-time (e.g., values coming from I/O such as HTTP requests,
* the terminal, a file, etc), use the `refineV` function.
* Because `refineV` validates values at runtime instead of at compile-time,
* it returns an `Either[String, SomeRefinedType]`, where `String` is an error message.
def readIntFromFile(): Int = 3
def readUrlsFromFile(): List[String] = List("http://localhost", "")
val result1: Either[String, Int Refined Positive] =
val result2: Either[String, List[String] Refined Forall[Url]] =
* Add this import to generate circe encoders/decoders for refined types.
* import io.circe.refined._
import io.circe._
import io.circe.parser._
import io.circe.refined._
import io.circe.generic.semiauto._
case class C(
xs: List[Int] Refined Forall[Greater[W.`2`.T]]
object C {
implicit val decodeC: Decoder[C] = deriveDecoder
// parses successfully
{ "xs": [3, 9, 4] }
// fails decoding
{ "xs": [0, 0] }
* Use `.value` to discard a refinement and access the underlying "raw" type.
val refinedInt: Int Refined Positive = 3
val unrefinedInt: Int = refinedInt.value
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