Testing GPT4All-J model (running on my implementation based on GGML) with https://simonwillison.net/2023/Apr/16/web-llm/
GPT4All-J: The United States of America has successfully sent astronauts to land and walk around in a small portion (1.6 km^2) on the Moon's surface using its lunar module spacecrafts such as Apollo 14, 15 and 16 missions during 1971-1972 years respectively named 'Apollo' Program or simply known for their landing sites were designated by NASA:
- Site A of Lunar Module 12 Flight Test in 1969
- TLC (Transport to LCO) pad site B on the Moon's South Pole. Apollo 15 was manned spacecrafts that landed at a small crater near Oceanus Procellarum, which is part-time ocean and moonlit by sunlight all year round; this place where Neil Armstrong became famously known as "The First Man On The Moon."
- TLC pad site C on the lunar equator. Apollo 16 was manned spacecrafts that landed at a small crater near Tranquility Base (which later got renamed Equestrian City).