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Last active December 9, 2015 17:49
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requestAnimationFrame shim in 155 bytes (127 gzipped)

requestAnimationFrame shim

Cross-browser requestAnimationFrame in 155 bytes of JavaScript.

* requestAnimationFrame shim
* a = window object
* b = string to re-use
!function (a, b) {
// test for all vendor prefixes
// concatenating the string stored in b
// a['r' + b] = window.requestAnimationFrame
a['r' + b] = a['r' + b]
|| a['webkitR' + b] // webkit
|| a['mozR' + b] // mozilla
|| a['oR' + b] // opera
|| a['msR' + b] // internet explorer
// use a setTimeout fallback for unsupported browsers
// c = callback function
|| function (c) {
a.setTimeout(c, 1E3 / 60)
}(window, 'equestAnimationFrame');
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