/** |
*/ |
#include <assert.h> |
#include "xsAll.h" |
#include "xs.h" |
#define KEEP_NEXT 0 |
#define SKIP_NEXT 1 |
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter" |
void Snapshot_prototype_constructor(xsMachine* the) |
{ |
} |
void Snapshot_prototype_destructor(xsMachine* the) |
{ |
} |
#pragma GCC diagnostic warning "-Wunused-parameter" |
static char debug_buf[1024] = { 0 }; |
static void debug_push(char *format, ...) { |
char *start = debug_buf + strlen(debug_buf); |
va_list spread; |
va_start(spread, format); |
vsprintf(start, format, spread); |
fprintf(stderr, ">%s\n", debug_buf); |
} |
static void debug_pop() { |
char* last_dot = strrchr(debug_buf, '>'); |
fprintf(stderr, "<%s\n", debug_buf); |
if (last_dot) { |
*last_dot = 0; |
} |
} |
/** |
* REQUIRES: xsVar(0) is an ArrayBuffer |
* ENSURES: buf.length is at least size |
*/ |
static void ensureSpace(xsMachine* the, xsIntegerValue size) |
{ |
txInteger capacity = xsGetArrayBufferLength(xsVar(0)); |
if (capacity < size) { |
xsIntegerValue nextQuantum = (size + 0x100) - (size % 0x100); |
// fprintf(stderr, "ensureSpace(%d) grow capacity %d -> %d\n", size, capacity, nextQuantum); |
xsSetArrayBufferLength(xsVar(0), nextQuantum); |
} else { |
// fprintf(stderr, "ensureSpace(%d) capacity %d ok\n", size, capacity); |
} |
} |
/** |
* REQUIRES: xsVar(0) is an ArrayBuffer |
* ENSURES: buf.slice(offset, qty) == qty bytes at src |
*/ |
static xsIntegerValue append(xsMachine* the, xsIntegerValue offset, void* src, xsIntegerValue qty) |
{ |
// fprintf(stderr, "append(%d += %d)\n", offset, qty); |
ensureSpace(the, offset + qty); |
xsSetArrayBufferData(xsVar(0), offset, src, qty); |
return offset + qty; |
} |
/** track "seen" slots |
* REQUIRES: xsVar(0) is an ArrayBuffer |
* xsArg(1) is an Array (exits) |
* seen >= xsArg(1).length |
* xsVar(1) is available for storing toString() output |
* xsVar(2) thru 5 are available (for iterating over exits) |
avoid infinite recursion for cyclic structures |
Each time we serialize a compound slot, we save either |
- the offset where it was already serialized; or |
- the delta to the previous compound slot and |
the address of this slot |
*/ |
static xsIntegerValue alreadySeen(xsMachine* the, txSlot* target, xsIntegerValue seen) { |
char *display = "[?]"; |
if (target->kind == XS_REFERENCE_KIND && xsHas(*target, xsID("toString"))) { |
xsVar(1) = xsCall0(*target, xsID("toString")); |
display = xsToString(xsVar(1)); |
} |
fprintf(stderr, "==== alreadySeen(%p) seen=%d %s?\n", target, seen, display); |
xsIntegerValue ix = 0; |
xsVar(2) = xsEnumerate(xsArg(1)); |
for (;;) { |
xsVar(3) = xsCall0(xsVar(2), xsID("next")); |
// ISSUE: warning: operation on ‘the->stack’ may be undefined [-Wsequence-point] |
if (xsTest(xsGet(xsVar(3), xsID("done")))) |
break; |
xsVar(4) = xsGet(xsVar(3), xsID("value")); |
xsVar(5) = xsGetAt(xsArg(1), xsVar(4)); |
// fprintf(stderr, "exits[%d] kind %d ref %p == target %p?\n", |
// ix, xsVar(5).kind, fxGetInstance(the, &xsVar(5)), target); |
if (fxIsSameSlot(the, &xsVar(5), target) |
|| fxGetInstance(the, &xsVar(5)) == target) { |
fprintf(stderr, "===== yes %p is exit %d\n", target, ix); |
return ix; |
} |
ix += 1; |
} |
if (fxIsSameValue(the, target, &mxArrayPrototype, 0)) { |
fprintf(stderr, "!! target:%p == Array.prototype\n", target); |
} |
if (target->kind == XS_INSTANCE_KIND |
&& target == mxArrayPrototype.value.reference) { |
fprintf(stderr, "Array.prototype already seen! prototype=%p reference=%p\n", |
&mxArrayPrototype, mxArrayPrototype.value.reference); |
xsSlot e1 = xsGetAt(xsArg(1), xsInteger(0)); |
fprintf(stderr, "exits[0] kind:%d reference:%p\n", e1.kind, e1.value.reference); |
} |
xsIntegerValue exitQty = xsToInteger(xsGet(xsArg(1), xsID("length"))); |
while (seen >= exitQty) { |
xsIntegerValue delta; |
txSlot* candidate; |
xsGetArrayBufferData(xsVar(0), seen + sizeof(delta), &candidate, sizeof(candidate)); |
if (candidate == target) { |
fprintf(stderr, "===== yes seen %p at %d\n", target, seen); |
return seen; |
} |
xsGetArrayBufferData(xsVar(0), seen, &delta, sizeof(delta)); |
// fprintf(stderr, "=== seen loop: seen:%d exitQty:%d delta:%d\n", seen, exitQty, delta); |
seen += delta; |
} |
fprintf(stderr, "===== no not seen %p exitQty=%d\n", target, exitQty); |
return -1; |
} |
/** |
* REQUIRES: xsVar(0) is an ArrayBuffer |
*/ |
static xsIntegerValue pushSelf(xsMachine* the, txSlot* self, xsIntegerValue offset, xsIntegerValue *seen) { |
// xsArg(1) == exits |
xsIntegerValue exitQty = xsToInteger(xsGet(xsArg(1), xsID("length"))); |
xsIntegerValue delta = (*seen >= exitQty ? *seen : exitQty) - offset; |
fprintf(stderr, "=== pushSelf %p offset %d\n", self, offset); |
xsIntegerValue found; |
if ((found = alreadySeen(the, self, *seen)) >= 0) { |
fprintf(stderr, "==== pushSelf %p; alreadySeen at %d\n", self, found); |
offset = append(the, offset, &found, sizeof(found)); |
return -offset; |
} |
*seen = offset; |
fprintf(stderr, "==== pushSelf(%p) delta=%d (#%ld) *seen=%d offset:%d exitQty:%d\n", self, delta, sizeof(delta), *seen, offset, exitQty); |
offset = append(the, offset, &delta, sizeof(delta)); |
offset = append(the, offset, &self, sizeof(self)); |
return offset; |
} |
/** |
* REQUIRES: xsVar(0) is an ArrayBuffer |
* |
* NOTE: conflates null ID name with empty ID name |
*/ |
static xsIntegerValue dumpID(xsMachine* the, xsIntegerValue offset, txID id) |
{ |
offset = append(the, offset, &id, sizeof(id)); |
txU4 len = 0; |
char* value = fxGetKeyName(the, id); |
if (value) { |
len = strlen(value); |
} |
offset = append(the, offset, &len, sizeof(len)); |
if (value) { |
offset = append(the, offset, value, len); |
} |
fprintf(stderr, "==== dumpID=%d %s\n", id, value); |
return offset; |
} |
/** |
* REQUIRES: xsVar(0) is an ArrayBuffer |
*/ |
static xsIntegerValue dumpSimpleValue(xsMachine* the, xsIntegerValue offset, txSlot* slot) |
{ |
fprintf(stderr, "== dumpSimpleValue %p kind = %d\n", slot, slot->kind); |
switch(slot->kind) { |
case XS_NULL_KIND: |
// ISSUE: .value = { .number = 0 }? |
break; |
debug_push(">=%s", slot->value.boolean ? "true" : "false"); |
offset = append(the, offset, &(slot->value.boolean), sizeof(slot->value.boolean)); |
debug_pop(); |
} break; |
debug_push(">=%d", slot->value.integer); |
offset = append(the, offset, &(slot->value.integer), sizeof(slot->value.integer)); |
debug_pop(); |
} break; |
case XS_NUMBER_KIND: { |
// ISSUE: assume IEEE double format? |
debug_push(">=%f", slot->value.number); |
offset = append(the, offset, &(slot->value.number), sizeof(slot->value.number)); |
debug_pop(); |
} break; |
case XS_STRING_X_KIND: { |
txU4 len = strlen(slot->value.string); |
debug_push(">= #%d '%.4s'", len, slot->value.string); |
offset = append(the, offset, &len, sizeof(len)); |
offset = append(the, offset, slot->value.string, len); |
debug_pop(); |
} break; |
case XS_SYMBOL_KIND: { |
debug_push("> sym:%d", slot->value.symbol); |
offset = append(the, offset, &(slot->value.symbol), sizeof(slot->value.symbol)); |
} break; |
/*@@@@ |
case XS_BIGINT_X_KIND: { |
fprintf(file, ".kind = XS_BIGINT_X_KIND}, "); |
fprintf(file, ".value = { .bigint = { "); |
fprintf(file, ".data = (txU4*)&gxBigIntData[%d], ", linker->bigintSize); |
fprintf(file, ".size = %d, ", slot->value.bigint.size); |
fprintf(file, ".sign = %d, ", slot->value.bigint.sign); |
fprintf(file, " } } "); |
c_memcpy(linker->bigintData + linker->bigintSize, slot->value.bigint.data, slot->value.bigint.size * sizeof(txU4)); |
linker->bigintSize += slot->value.bigint.size; |
} break; |
*/ |
default: |
fprintf(stderr, "== slot kind not implemented: %d!\n", slot->kind); |
assert(0); // |
} |
return offset; |
} |
/** |
* REQUIRES: xsVar(0) is an ArrayBuffer |
*/ |
// a la fxPrintSlot |
// https://github.com/Moddable-OpenSource/moddable/blob/public/xs/tools/xslSlot.c#L946 |
// ISSUE: addresses are non-deterministic; exposes runtime details. Snapshot object is hence powerful. |
// IDEA: consider protobuf? capnproto? |
static xsIntegerValue dumpSlot(xsMachine* the, xsIntegerValue offset, txSlot* slot, |
xsIntegerValue* seen, txBoolean skip_next) |
{ |
if (!slot) { |
txKind null_slot_kind = XS_UNINITIALIZED_KIND - 1; |
fprintf(stderr, "= dumpSlot %p\n", slot); |
offset = append(the, offset, &null_slot_kind, sizeof(txKind)); |
return offset; |
} |
debug_push(">slot: %p kind:%d offset:%d", slot, slot->kind, offset); |
offset = append(the, offset, &(slot->kind), sizeof(slot->kind)); |
if (slot->kind < XS_REFERENCE_KIND) { |
offset = append(the, offset, &(slot->flag), sizeof(slot->flag)); |
offset = dumpID(the, offset, slot->ID); |
offset = dumpSimpleValue(the, offset, slot); |
if (!skip_next) { |
debug_push(">next"); |
offset = dumpSlot(the, offset, slot->next, seen, KEEP_NEXT); |
debug_pop(); |
} |
debug_pop(); |
return offset; |
} |
if ((offset = pushSelf(the, slot, offset, seen)) < 0) { |
debug_pop(); |
return -offset; |
} |
offset = append(the, offset, &(slot->flag), sizeof(slot->flag)); |
offset = dumpID(the, offset, slot->ID); |
switch(slot->kind) { |
if (slot->value.reference |
&& slot->value.reference == mxArrayPrototype.value.reference) { |
fprintf(stderr, "found Array.prototype! slot=%p reference=%p\n", |
slot, slot->value.reference); |
} |
if (slot->value.reference |
&& slot->value.reference->value.instance.prototype == mxArrayPrototype.value.reference) { |
fprintf(stderr, "found Array! slot=%p reference=%p prototype=%p\n", |
slot, slot->value.reference, slot->value.reference->value.instance.prototype); |
} |
debug_push(">reference"); |
offset = dumpSlot(the, offset, slot->value.reference, seen, KEEP_NEXT); |
debug_pop(); |
} break; |
/* |
fprintf(file, ".kind = XS_CLOSURE_KIND}, "); |
fprintf(file, ".value = { .closure = "); |
fxPrintAddress(the, file, slot->value.closure); |
fprintf(file, " } "); |
} break; |
*/ |
// ISSUE: fprintf(file, ".value = { .instance = { NULL, "); |
debug_push(">prototype"); |
offset = dumpSlot(the, offset, slot->value.instance.prototype, seen, KEEP_NEXT); |
debug_pop(); |
} break; |
case XS_ARRAY_KIND: { |
txSlot *item = slot->value.array.address; |
txInteger size = (txInteger)fxGetIndexSize(the, slot); |
offset = append(the, offset, &size, sizeof(size)); |
while (size) { |
debug_push(">item[%d]", size); |
offset = dumpSlot(the, offset, item, seen, SKIP_NEXT); |
debug_pop(); |
item++; |
size--; |
} |
skip_next = 1; |
} break; |
/* |
fprintf(file, ".kind = XS_ARRAY_BUFFER_KIND}, "); |
fprintf(file, ".value = { .arrayBuffer = { (txByte*)"); |
fxWriteCData(file, slot->value.arrayBuffer.address, slot->value.arrayBuffer.length); |
fprintf(file, ", %d } } ", (int)slot->value.arrayBuffer.length); |
} break; |
*/ |
offset = append(the, offset, slot->value.callback.address, sizeof(slot->value.callback.address)); |
} break; |
case XS_CODE_KIND: { |
// .code = |
{ |
txChunk* chunk = (txChunk*)(slot->value.code.address - sizeof(txChunk)); |
offset = append(the, offset, slot->value.code.address, chunk->size - sizeof(txChunk)); |
} |
offset = dumpSlot(the, offset, slot->value.code.closures, seen, KEEP_NEXT); |
} break; |
case XS_CODE_X_KIND: { |
offset = append(the, offset, &slot->value.code.address, sizeof(slot->value.code.address)); |
offset = dumpSlot(the, offset, slot->value.code.closures, seen, KEEP_NEXT); |
} break; |
/* |
case XS_DATE_KIND: { |
fprintf(file, ".kind = XS_DATE_KIND}, "); |
fprintf(file, ".value = { .number = "); |
fxPrintNumber(the, file, slot->value.number); |
fprintf(file, " } "); |
} break; |
fprintf(file, ".kind = XS_DATA_VIEW_KIND}, "); |
fprintf(file, ".value = { .dataView = { %d, %d } }", slot->value.dataView.offset, slot->value.dataView.size); |
} break; |
fprintf(file, ".kind = XS_FINALIZATION_CELL_KIND}, "); |
fprintf(file, ".value = { .finalizationCell = { "); |
fxPrintAddress(the, file, slot->value.finalizationCell.target); |
fprintf(file, ", "); |
fxPrintAddress(the, file, slot->value.finalizationCell.token); |
fprintf(file, " } }"); |
} break; |
fprintf(file, ".kind = XS_FINALIZATION_GROUP_KIND}, "); |
fprintf(file, ".value = { .finalizationGroup = { "); |
fxPrintAddress(the, file, slot->value.finalizationGroup.callback); |
fprintf(file, ", %d } }", slot->value.finalizationGroup.flags); |
} break; |
case XS_GLOBAL_KIND: { |
fprintf(file, ".kind = XS_GLOBAL_KIND}, "); |
fprintf(file, ".value = { .table = { NULL, 0 } }"); |
} break; |
case XS_HOST_KIND: { |
fprintf(file, ".kind = XS_HOST_KIND}, "); |
fprintf(file, ".value = { .host = { NULL, { .destructor = %s } } }", fxGetCallbackName(the, (txCallback)slot->value.host.variant.destructor )); |
} break; |
case XS_MAP_KIND: { |
fprintf(file, ".kind = XS_MAP_KIND}, "); |
fprintf(file, ".value = { .table = { (txSlot**)&gxSlotData[%d], %d } }", linker->slotSize, slot->value.table.length); |
c_memcpy(linker->slotData + linker->slotSize, slot->value.table.address, slot->value.table.length * sizeof(txSlot*)); |
linker->slotSize += slot->value.table.length; |
} break; |
case XS_MODULE_KIND: { |
fprintf(file, ".kind = XS_MODULE_KIND}, "); |
fprintf(file, ".value = { .module = { "); |
fxPrintAddress(the, file, slot->value.module.realm); |
fprintf(file, ", %d } }", slot->value.module.id); |
} break; |
fprintf(file, ".kind = XS_PROMISE_KIND}, "); |
fprintf(file, ".value = { .integer = %d } ", slot->value.integer); |
} break; |
case XS_PROXY_KIND: { |
fprintf(file, ".kind = XS_PROXY_KIND}, "); |
fprintf(file, ".value = { .instance = { "); |
fxPrintAddress(the, file, slot->value.proxy.handler); |
fprintf(file, ", "); |
fxPrintAddress(the, file, slot->value.proxy.target); |
fprintf(file, " } } "); |
} break; |
case XS_REGEXP_KIND: { |
fprintf(file, ".kind = XS_REGEXP_KIND}, "); |
fprintf(file, ".value = { .regexp = { (txInteger*)NULL, (txInteger*)NULL } } "); |
} break; |
case XS_SET_KIND: { |
fprintf(file, ".kind = XS_SET_KIND}, "); |
fprintf(file, ".value = { .table = { (txSlot**)&gxSlotData[%d], %d } }", linker->slotSize, slot->value.table.length); |
c_memcpy(linker->slotData + linker->slotSize, slot->value.table.address, slot->value.table.length * sizeof(txSlot*)); |
linker->slotSize += slot->value.table.length; |
} break; |
fprintf(file, ".kind = XS_TYPED_ARRAY_KIND}, "); |
fprintf(file, ".value = { .typedArray = { (txTypeDispatch*)(&gxTypeDispatches[%d]), (txTypeAtomics*)(&gxTypeAtomics[%d]) } }", fxGetTypeDispatchIndex(slot->value.typedArray.dispatch), fxGetTypeAtomicsIndex(slot->value.typedArray.atomics)); |
} break; |
case XS_WEAK_MAP_KIND: { |
fprintf(file, ".kind = XS_WEAK_MAP_KIND}, "); |
fprintf(file, ".value = { .table = { (txSlot**)&gxSlotData[%d], %d } }", linker->slotSize, slot->value.table.length); |
c_memcpy(linker->slotData + linker->slotSize, slot->value.table.address, (slot->value.table.length + 1) * sizeof(txSlot*)); |
linker->slotSize += slot->value.table.length + 1; |
} break; |
case XS_WEAK_REF_KIND: { |
fprintf(file, ".kind = XS_WEAK_REF_KIND}, "); |
fprintf(file, ".value = { .weakRef = { "); |
fxPrintAddress(the, file, slot->value.weakRef.target); |
fprintf(file, ", "); |
fxPrintAddress(the, file, slot->value.weakRef.link); |
fprintf(file, " } }"); |
} break; |
case XS_WEAK_SET_KIND: { |
fprintf(file, ".kind = XS_WEAK_SET_KIND}, "); |
fprintf(file, ".value = { .table = { (txSlot**)&gxSlotData[%d], %d } }", linker->slotSize, slot->value.table.length); |
c_memcpy(linker->slotData + linker->slotSize, slot->value.table.address, (slot->value.table.length + 1) * sizeof(txSlot*)); |
linker->slotSize += slot->value.table.length + 1; |
} break; |
*/ |
debug_push(">getter"); |
offset = dumpSlot(the, offset, slot->value.accessor.getter, seen, KEEP_NEXT); |
debug_pop(); |
debug_push(">setter"); |
offset = dumpSlot(the, offset, slot->value.accessor.setter, seen, KEEP_NEXT); |
debug_pop(); |
} break; |
/* |
case XS_AT_KIND: { |
fprintf(file, ".kind = XS_AT_KIND}, "); |
fprintf(file, ".value = { .at = { 0x%x, %d } }", slot->value.at.index, slot->value.at.id); |
} break; |
case XS_ENTRY_KIND: { |
fprintf(file, ".kind = XS_ENTRY_KIND}, "); |
fprintf(file, ".value = { .entry = { "); |
fxPrintAddress(the, file, slot->value.entry.slot); |
fprintf(file, ", 0x%x } }", slot->value.entry.sum); |
} break; |
case XS_ERROR_KIND: { |
fprintf(file, ".kind = XS_ERROR_KIND}, "); |
fprintf(file, ".value = { .number = 0 } "); |
} break; |
*/ |
case XS_HOME_KIND: { |
debug_push(">home-object"); |
offset = dumpSlot(the, offset, slot->value.home.object, seen, KEEP_NEXT); |
debug_pop(); |
debug_push(">home-module"); |
offset = dumpSlot(the, offset, slot->value.home.module, seen, KEEP_NEXT); |
debug_pop(); |
} break; |
/* |
case XS_EXPORT_KIND: { |
fprintf(file, ".kind = XS_EXPORT_KIND}, "); |
fprintf(file, ".value = { .export = { "); |
fxPrintAddress(the, file, slot->value.export.closure); |
fprintf(file, ", "); |
fxPrintAddress(the, file, slot->value.export.module); |
fprintf(file, " } }"); |
} break; |
case XS_KEY_KIND: |
case XS_KEY_X_KIND: { |
fprintf(file, ".kind = XS_KEY_X_KIND}, "); |
fprintf(file, ".value = { .key = { "); |
fxWriteCString(file, slot->value.key.string); |
fprintf(file, ", 0x%x } }", slot->value.key.sum); |
} break; |
case XS_LIST_KIND: { |
fprintf(file, ".kind = XS_LIST_KIND}, "); |
fprintf(file, ".value = { .list = { "); |
fxPrintAddress(the, file, slot->value.list.first); |
fprintf(file, ", "); |
fxPrintAddress(the, file, slot->value.list.last); |
fprintf(file, " } }"); |
} break; |
fprintf(file, ".kind = XS_PRIVATE_KIND}, "); |
fprintf(file, ".value = { .private = { "); |
fxPrintAddress(the, file, slot->value.private.check); |
fprintf(file, ", "); |
fxPrintAddress(the, file, slot->value.private.first); |
fprintf(file, " } }"); |
} break; |
case XS_STACK_KIND: { |
fprintf(file, ".kind = XS_STACK_KIND}, "); |
} break; |
#ifdef mxHostFunctionPrimitive |
fprintf(file, ".kind = XS_HOST_FUNCTION_KIND}, "); |
fprintf(file, ".value = { .hostFunction = { %s, NULL } }", fxGetBuilderName(the, slot->value.hostFunction.builder)); |
} break; |
#endif |
*/ |
default: |
fprintf(stderr, "== slot kind not implemented: %d!\n", slot->kind); |
assert(0); // |
} |
if (!skip_next) { |
debug_push(">next"); |
offset = dumpSlot(the, offset, slot->next, seen, KEEP_NEXT); |
debug_pop(); |
} |
debug_pop(); |
return offset; |
} |
void Snapshot_prototype_dump(xsMachine* the) |
{ |
if (xsToInteger(xsArgc) != 2) { |
mxTypeError("expected 2 arguments"); |
} |
xsSlot root = xsArg(0); |
// xsArg(1) = exits |
if (!xsIsInstanceOf(xsArg(1), xsArrayPrototype)) { |
mxTypeError("expected array"); |
} |
xsSlot exit0 = xsGetAt(xsArg(1), xsInteger(0)); |
fprintf(stderr, "exits[0] type:%d kind:%d reference:%p\n", xsTypeOf(exit0), exit0.kind, exit0.value.reference); |
xsIntegerValue exitQty = xsToInteger(xsGet(xsArg(1), xsID("length"))); |
xsIntegerValue seen = exitQty - 1; // IDEA: use xsVars() for seen too |
xsVars(6); |
// xsVar(0) is snapshot serialization |
xsVar(0) = xsArrayBuffer(NULL, exitQty); |
// xsVar(1) is for seen.toString() temp space |
// xsVar(2) thru 5 are for enumerating exits |
debug_push(">root"); |
xsIntegerValue size = dumpSlot(the, exitQty, (txSlot*)&root, // ISSUE: xsSlot -> txSlot??? |
&seen, KEEP_NEXT); |
debug_pop(); |
fprintf(stderr, "dump: xsSetArrayBufferLength(size=%d)\n", size); |
xsSetArrayBufferLength(xsVar(0), size); |
xsResult = xsVar(0); |
} |
Now that this is starting to work, I'm migrating to agoric-labs/moddable#2