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Last active May 25, 2024 17:34
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Adds more constraints to f-puzzles.
// ==UserScript==
// @name Fpuzzles-NewConstraints
// @namespace
// @version 1.9
// @description Adds more constraints to f-puzzles.
// @author Rangsk
// @match https://**
// @match*
// @grant none
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
// Adding a new constraint:
// 1. Add a new entry to the newConstraintInfo array
// 2. If the type is not already supported, add it to the following:
// a. exportPuzzle
// b. importPuzzle
// c. categorizeTools
// d. Add a drawing helper function for what it looks like
// 3. Add conflict highlighting logic to candidatePossibleInCell
// 4. Add a new constraint class (see 'Constraint classes' comment)
const newConstraintInfo = [{
name: 'Renban',
type: 'line',
color: '#F067F0',
colorDark: '#642B64',
lineWidth: 0.4,
tooltip: [
'Numbers on a renban line must be consecutive, but in any order.',
'Digits cannot repeat on a renban line.',
'Click and drag to draw a renban line.',
'Click on a renban line to remove it.',
'Shift click and drag to draw overlapping renban lines.',
name: 'Whispers',
type: 'line',
color: '#67F067',
colorDark: '#357D35',
lineWidth: 0.3,
tooltip: [
'Adjacent numbers on a whispers line must have a difference of 5 or greater.',
'[For non-9x9 grid sizes, this adjust to be (size / 2) rounded up.]',
'Click and drag to draw a whispers line.',
'Click on a whispers line to remove it.',
'Shift click and drag to draw overlapping whispers lines.',
const doShim = function() {
// Additional import/export data
const origExportPuzzle = exportPuzzle;
exportPuzzle = function(includeCandidates) {
const compressed = origExportPuzzle(includeCandidates);
const puzzle = JSON.parse(compressor.decompressFromBase64(compressed));
// Add cosmetic version of constraints for those not using the solver plugin
for (let constraintInfo of newConstraintInfo) {
const id = cID(;
const puzzleEntry = puzzle[id];
if (puzzleEntry && puzzleEntry.length > 0) {
if (constraintInfo.type === 'line') {
if (!puzzle.line) {
puzzle.line = [];
for (let instance of puzzleEntry) {
lines: instance.lines,
outlineC: constraintInfo.color,
width: constraintInfo.lineWidth,
isNewConstraint: true
return compressor.compressToBase64(JSON.stringify(puzzle));
const origImportPuzzle = importPuzzle;
importPuzzle = function(string, clearHistory) {
// Remove any generated cosmetics
const puzzle = JSON.parse(compressor.decompressFromBase64(string));
if (puzzle.line) {
puzzle.line = puzzle.line.filter(line => !line.isNewConstraint);
if (puzzle.line.length === 0) {
delete puzzle.line;
string = compressor.compressToBase64(JSON.stringify(puzzle));
origImportPuzzle(string, clearHistory);
// Draw the new constraints
const origDrawConstraints = drawConstraints;
drawConstraints = function(layer) {
if (layer === 'Bottom') {
for (let info of newConstraintInfo) {
const id = cID(;
const constraint = constraints[id];
if (constraint) {
for (let a = 0; a < constraint.length; a++) {
// Conflict highlighting for new constraints
const origCandidatePossibleInCell = candidatePossibleInCell;
candidatePossibleInCell = function(n, cell, options) {
if (!options) {
options = {};
if (!options.bruteForce && cell.value) {
return cell.value === n;
if (!origCandidatePossibleInCell(n, cell, options)) {
return false;
// Renban
const constraintsRenban = constraints[cID('Renban')];
if (constraintsRenban && constraintsRenban.length > 0) {
for (let renban of constraintsRenban) {
for (let line of renban.lines) {
const index = line.indexOf(cell);
if (index > -1) {
let numMatchingValue = 0;
let minValue = -1;
let maxValue = -1;
for (let lineCell of line) {
if (lineCell.value) {
minValue = minValue === -1 || minValue > lineCell.value ? lineCell.value : minValue;
maxValue = maxValue === -1 || maxValue < lineCell.value ? lineCell.value : maxValue;
if (lineCell.value === n) {
if (numMatchingValue > 1) {
return false;
if (minValue !== -1 && maxValue !== -1) {
if (n - minValue > line.length - 1 || maxValue - n > line.length - 1) {
return false;
// Whispers
const constraintsWhispers = constraints[cID('Whispers')];
if (constraintsWhispers && constraintsWhispers.length > 0) {
const whispersDiff = Math.ceil(size / 2);
for (let whispers of constraintsWhispers) {
for (let line of whispers.lines) {
const index = line.indexOf(cell);
if (index > -1) {
if (n - whispersDiff <= 0 && n + whispersDiff > size) {
return false;
if (index > 0) {
const prevCell = line[index - 1];
if (prevCell.value && Math.abs(prevCell.value - n) < whispersDiff) {
return false;
if (index < line.length - 1) {
const nextCell = line[index + 1];
if (nextCell.value && Math.abs(nextCell.value - n) < whispersDiff) {
return false;
return true;
// Drawing helpers
const drawLine = function(line, color, colorDark, lineWidth) {
ctx.lineWidth = cellSL * lineWidth * 0.5;
ctx.fillStyle = boolSettings['Dark Mode'] ? colorDark : color;
ctx.strokeStyle = boolSettings['Dark Mode'] ? colorDark : color;
ctx.arc(line[0].x + cellSL / 2, line[0].y + cellSL / 2, ctx.lineWidth / 2, 0, Math.PI * 2);
ctx.moveTo(line[0].x + cellSL / 2, line[0].y + cellSL / 2);
for (var b = 1; b < line.length; b++) {
ctx.lineTo(line[b].x + cellSL / 2, line[b].y + cellSL / 2);
ctx.arc(line[line.length - 1].x + cellSL / 2, line[line.length - 1].y + cellSL / 2, ctx.lineWidth / 2, 0, Math.PI * 2);
// Constraint classes
// Renban
window.renban = function(cell) {
this.lines = [
]; = function() {
const renbanInfo = newConstraintInfo.filter(c => === 'Renban')[0];
for (var a = 0; a < this.lines.length; a++) {
drawLine(this.lines[a], renbanInfo.color, renbanInfo.colorDark, renbanInfo.lineWidth);
this.addCellToLine = function(cell) {
if (this.lines[this.lines.length - 1].length < size) {
this.lines[this.lines.length - 1].push(cell);
// Whispers
window.whispers = function(cell) {
this.lines = [
]; = function() {
const whispersInfo = newConstraintInfo.filter(c => === 'Whispers')[0];
for (var a = 0; a < this.lines.length; a++) {
drawLine(this.lines[a], whispersInfo.color, whispersInfo.colorDark, whispersInfo.lineWidth);
this.addCellToLine = function(cell) {
this.lines[this.lines.length - 1].push(cell);
const origCategorizeTools = categorizeTools;
categorizeTools = function() {
let toolLineIndex = toolConstraints.indexOf('Palindrome');
for (let info of newConstraintInfo) {
if (info.type === 'line') {
toolConstraints.splice(++toolLineIndex, 0,;
draggableConstraints = [ Set([...lineConstraints, ...regionConstraints])];
multicellConstraints = [ Set([...lineConstraints, ...regionConstraints, ...borderConstraints, ...cornerConstraints])];
betweenCellConstraints = [...borderConstraints, ...cornerConstraints];
allConstraints = [...boolConstraints, ...toolConstraints];
tools = [...toolConstraints, ...toolCosmetics];
selectableTools = [...selectableConstraints, ...selectableCosmetics];
lineTools = [...lineConstraints, ...lineCosmetics];
regionTools = [...regionConstraints, ...regionCosmetics];
diagonalRegionTools = [...diagonalRegionConstraints, ...diagonalRegionCosmetics];
outsideTools = [...outsideConstraints, ...outsideCosmetics];
outsideCornerTools = [...outsideCornerConstraints, ...outsideCornerCosmetics];
oneCellAtATimeTools = [...perCellConstraints, ...draggableConstraints, ...draggableCosmetics];
draggableTools = [...draggableConstraints, ...draggableCosmetics];
multicellTools = [...multicellConstraints, ...multicellCosmetics];
// Tooltips
for (let info of newConstraintInfo) {
descriptions[] = info.tooltip;
// Puzzle title
// Unfortuantely, there's no way to shim this so it's duplicated in full.
getPuzzleTitle = function() {
var title = '';
ctx.font = titleLSize + 'px Arial';
if (customTitle.length) {
title = customTitle;
} else {
if (size !== 9)
title += size + 'x' + size + ' ';
if (getCells().some(a => a.region !== (Math.floor(a.i / regionH) * regionH) + Math.floor(a.j / regionW)))
title += 'Irregular ';
if (constraints[cID('Extra Region')].length)
title += 'Extra-Region ';
if (constraints[cID('Odd')].length && !constraints[cID('Even')].length)
title += 'Odd ';
if (!constraints[cID('Odd')].length && constraints[cID('Even')].length)
title += 'Even ';
if (constraints[cID('Odd')].length && constraints[cID('Even')].length)
title += 'Odd-Even ';
if (constraints[cID('Diagonal +')] !== constraints[cID('Diagonal -')])
title += 'Single-Diagonal ';
if (constraints[cID('Nonconsecutive')] && !(constraints[cID('Difference')].length && constraints[cID('Difference')].some(a => ['', '1'].includes(a.value))) && !constraints[cID('Ratio')].negative)
title += 'Nonconsecutive ';
if (constraints[cID('Nonconsecutive')] && constraints[cID('Difference')].length && constraints[cID('Difference')].some(a => ['', '1'].includes(a.value)) && !constraints[cID('Ratio')].negative)
title += 'Consecutive ';
if (!constraints[cID('Nonconsecutive')] && constraints[cID('Difference')].length && constraints[cID('Difference')].every(a => ['', '1'].includes(a.value)))
title += 'Consecutive-Pairs ';
if (constraints[cID('Antiknight')])
title += 'Antiknight ';
if (constraints[cID('Antiking')])
title += 'Antiking ';
if (constraints[cID('Disjoint Groups')])
title += 'Disjoint-Group ';
if (constraints[cID('XV')].length || constraints[cID('XV')].negative)
title += 'XV ' + (constraints[cID('XV')].negative ? '(-) ' : '');
if (constraints[cID('Little Killer Sum')].length)
title += 'Little Killer ';
if (constraints[cID('Sandwich Sum')].length)
title += 'Sandwich ';
if (constraints[cID('Thermometer')].length)
title += 'Thermo ';
if (constraints[cID('Palindrome')].length)
title += 'Palindrome ';
if (constraints[cID('Difference')].length && constraints[cID('Difference')].some(a => !['', '1'].includes(a.value)) && !(constraints[cID('Nonconsecutive')] && constraints[cID('Ratio')].negative))
title += 'Difference ';
if ((constraints[cID('Ratio')].length || constraints[cID('Ratio')].negative) && !(constraints[cID('Nonconsecutive')] && constraints[cID('Ratio')].negative))
title += 'Ratio ' + (constraints[cID('Ratio')].negative ? '(-) ' : '');;
if (constraints[cID('Nonconsecutive')] && constraints[cID('Ratio')].negative)
title += 'Kropki ';
if (constraints[cID('Killer Cage')].length)
title += 'Killer ';
if (constraints[cID('Clone')].length)
title += 'Clone ';
if (constraints[cID('Arrow')].length)
title += 'Arrow ';
if (constraints[cID('Between Line')].length)
title += 'Between ';
if (constraints[cID('Quadruple')].length)
title += 'Quadruples '
if (constraints[cID('Minimum')].length || constraints[cID('Maximum')].length)
title += 'Extremes '
for (let info of newConstraintInfo) {
if (constraints[cID(] && constraints[cID(].length > 0) {
title += `${} `;
title += 'Sudoku';
if (constraints[cID('Diagonal +')] && constraints[cID('Diagonal -')])
title += ' X';
if (title === 'Sudoku')
title = 'Classic Sudoku';
if (ctx.measureText(title).width > (canvas.width - 711))
title = 'Extreme Variant Sudoku';
buttons[buttons.findIndex(a => === 'EditInfo')].x = canvas.width / 2 + ctx.measureText(title).width / 2 + 40;
return title;
if (window.boolConstraints) {
let prevButtons = buttons.splice(0, buttons.length);
buttons.splice(0, buttons.length);
for (let i = 0; i < prevButtons.length; i++) {
let intervalId = setInterval(() => {
if (typeof grid === 'undefined' ||
typeof exportPuzzle === 'undefined' ||
typeof importPuzzle === 'undefined' ||
typeof drawConstraints === 'undefined' ||
typeof candidatePossibleInCell === 'undefined' ||
typeof categorizeTools === 'undefined' ||
typeof drawPopups === 'undefined') {
}, 16);
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