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Created April 4, 2014 02:24
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IoC chain of responsibility
An IoC-based Chain of Responsibility implementation, supporting async execution. This sample uses
SimpleInjector for IoC and Seterlund.CodeGuard for argument validation
The generic ChainOfResponsibility class provides base behavior that can be extended through inheritance
but should be functional on its own on most cases.
Chain resolution is determined by message types, so a given message type (which can be any class of
your choosing) may have at most one chain associated to it.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Seterlund.CodeGuard;
using SimpleInjector;
using SimpleInjector.Extensions;
namespace ChainOfIoC
#region Base classes and interfaces
public class ChainOfResponsibility<TMessage>
: IChainOfResponsibiity<TMessage>
where TMessage : class
public IEnumerable<IChainLink<TMessage>> Links { get; private set; }
public bool ThrowOnUnhandled { get; private set; }
public bool RunParallel { get; private set; }
// Just one public constructor, so we do not break SimpleInjector
public ChainOfResponsibility(IEnumerable<IChainLink<TMessage>> links)
: this(links, true, true)
// Protected constructor for behavior override on inheriting classes
protected ChainOfResponsibility(IEnumerable<IChainLink<TMessage>> links, bool throwOnUnhandled, bool runParallel)
Guard.That(() => links)
Links = links;
ThrowOnUnhandled = throwOnUnhandled;
RunParallel = runParallel;
public void Execute(TMessage message)
Guard.That(() => message).IsNotNull();
var handled = false;
if (RunParallel)
Parallel.ForEach(Links, link => { handled |= link.HandleMessage(message); });
handled = Links.Aggregate(false, (current, l) => current | l.HandleMessage(message));
if (!handled && ThrowOnUnhandled)
// todo: consider using a custom exception here
throw new InvalidOperationException(
String.Format("Failed to handle message {0}, of type {1}", message.ToString(), message.GetType().FullName));
public async Task ExecuteAsync(TMessage message)
await Task.Run(() => Execute(message));
public interface IChainLink<in TMessage>
bool HandleMessage(TMessage message);
public interface IChainOfResponsibiity<T>
void Execute(T message);
Task ExecuteAsync(T message);
#region Sample
public class SampleMessage
public string Content { get; set; }
public class ChainLinkBase : IChainLink<SampleMessage>
public ChainLinkBase(TimeSpan sleepDelay)
SleepDelay = sleepDelay;
public bool HandleMessage(SampleMessage message)
Console.WriteLine("Starting handle method for class {0}, for message {1}", GetClassName(), message.Content);
Console.WriteLine("Sleep now over for class {0}.", GetClassName());
return true;
private string GetClassName()
return GetType().FullName;
public TimeSpan SleepDelay { get; private set; }
public class ChainLink1 : ChainLinkBase
public ChainLink1()
: base(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3))
public class ChainLink2 : ChainLinkBase
public ChainLink2()
: base(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2))
class Program
static readonly Container container = new Container();
static void InitializeContainer()
container.RegisterOpenGeneric(typeof(IChainOfResponsibiity<>), typeof(ChainOfResponsibility<>));
static void Main(string[] args)
var chain = container.GetInstance<IChainOfResponsibiity<SampleMessage>>();
chain.ExecuteAsync(new SampleMessage() {Content = "Hello World"}).Wait();
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