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Created April 14, 2012 16:06
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# Inplace quicksort in python
from functools import partial
import operator
import random
import time
def partition(list_, l, r, p):
pVal = list_[p]
list_[p], list_[r] = list_[r], list_[p]
store_index = l
for i in range(l, r):
if list_[i] < pVal:
list_[i], list_[store_index] = list_[store_index], list_[i]
store_index += 1
list_[r], list_[store_index] = list_[store_index], list_[r]
return store_index
def _quicksort(list_, l, r):
if l < r:
p = l + 1
p = partition(list_, l, r, p)
_quicksort(list_, l, p - 1)
_quicksort(list_, p + 1, r)
def inplace_quicksort(list_):
_quicksort(list_, 0, len(list_) - 1)
def hoggy_quicksort(list_):
if len(list_) <= 1:
return list_
i = len(list_) / 2
partition = list_.pop(i)
lesser = filter(
partial(, partition), list_) # partition > item
greater = filter(
partial(operator.le, partition), list_) # partition <= item
return hoggy_quicksort(lesser) + [partition] + hoggy_quicksort(greater)
l = range(1, 10)
before = list(l)
start = time.time()
l = hoggy_quicksort(l)
print l
# # inplace_quicksort(l)
# duration = time.time() - start
# print duration, 'seconds'
# assert l == before, "The list was not sorted"
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