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Last active March 13, 2023 14:01
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  • Save dcorns/11149802 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dcorns/11149802 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
One way to setup Fedora distro for Web Development
Fedora Setup Notes
1) If you did not make yourself an administrator during the install, Add yourself to etc/sudoers using the command visudo (allows user to authenticate own account for operations requiring root).
a) su, enter root password when prompted
b) visudo (use vi for sudo to edit the file following instructions in the file; either add self as a sudo user or enable a group for sudo user and add your self to that group using user group commands)
c) ctrl-D (exit root access)
d) logout and log back in or restart
e) Now you should be able to respond to any prompt requiring root with your own login credentials and be able to run commands using sudo with your own credentials.
2) Google Chrome Setup
a) Enable Google YUM repository
1) touch /etc/yum.repos.d/google-chrome.repo
2) edit the file with the following info and then save it
name=google-chrome - 64-bit
b) yum install google-chrome-stable
3) Sublime install
a) go to sublime site and copy the link address to the latest tar ball
b) cd /opt, run the command sudo wget <paste address here, the remove http:// from it>
c) sudo tar jxvf <name of tar that was downloaded>
d) sudo mv <extracted folder> (rename extracted folder to sublime
e) Create launcher file for sublime in gnome creating /usr/share/applications/sublime.desktop
1)[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Application for editing text files
Exec=/opt/sublime/sublime_text %U
2) login and out or restart
3) Now sublime should be listed with other applications
f)Make sublime executable from terminal
1) cd /usr/local/sbin
2) ln -s /opt/sublime/sublime_text subl
g) Install the package control package (Package Control.sublime-package)
1) download the package currently here:
2) Move the package from Downloads to ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Installed Packages
h) Add the following to sublime preferences- user settings
,"ensure_newline_at_eof_on_save": true,
"save_on_focus_lost": true,
"tab_size": 2,
"translate_tabs_to_spaces": true,
"trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": true
i) Install the following packages via Sublime Package Control:
(Ctrl+Shift+P) (P) (Package Control:Install Packages)
GitGutter, Gist, Handlebars, JSHint Gutter, SCSS, SublimeLinter (see extra setup in their README on Github for JSHint), you will probably need to, SublimeREPL, SublimeGit, Jade, SideBarEnhancements, BrowserRefresh, SassBeautify, SassSnipits, Ruby Beautify, javascriptbeautify, js snipits, javascriptpatterns, javascriptrefactor, javascriptsnipits, javascriptNext-es6, jquerrysnipitspack, javascript&nodejsSnipits, jsFormat, JsVarShortcuts,jsontree,UnitJs, jsFourSpaces
4) yum update
5) Install RVM
a) sudo \curl -sSL | bash
b)gedit /home/dcorns/.bash_profile
1) add the following: source ~/.profile
2) save and exit
c) restart, then open terminal and type should get a help message
6) Install ruby
a) rvm install <latest version> (at time of writing 2.1.1)
b) check install by entering ruby -v which should return the version
7) Change terminal settings
a) <EDIT><PROFILE PREFERENCES><Title and command>Check the box—Run command as a login shell
8) Install node
a) yum install gcc-c++
b) Download and extract tarball from the node website
c) Change to the directory created by the extraction and run the following commands
i) sudo ./config
ii) sudo make (go grab some coffee, this will take a while)
iii) sudo make install
d) Enter node, this should bring up the node prompt [>]. Try 4+4 <enter> Should return 8, ctrl-c twice to exit. This means it worked!
9) Install PostgreSQL, Redis, npm
a) yum install postgresql-server
10) Install Mongodb
a) Download and extract tarball from
b) From the directory that contains the extracted directory enter: sudo mv <name of directory created by extract> /opt/mongodb
c) sudo mkdir /data/db
d) groupadd mongodb
e) sudo usermod -a -G mongodb <your username>
f) sudo chown <your username>:mongodb /data -R
e) sudo ln -s /opt/mongodb/bin/mongod /usr/local/sbin/mongod
f) sudo ln -s /opt/mongodb/bin/mongo /usr/local/sbin/mongo
g) enter mongod in one terminal and mongo in another to test
11) Install Redis
a) sudo yum install redis
12) Install Sass
a) gem install sass
13) Install Heroku-Toolbelt
a) gem install heroku
b) wget -qO- | sh
14) npm install -g node-static
15) sudo npm -g install jshint
16) sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
17) sudo npm update -g
18) sudo npm install -g bower
19) sudo npm install -g browserify beefy
20) sudo npm install -g casperjs
21) sudo npm install -g phantomjs
22) Create configuration file for sublime gist
a)cd ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User
b)touch Gist.sublime-settings
c) subl .
d) insert the following and save
1) {
"token": "aquire github token and place it here",
"enterprise": false,
"url": "",
"max_gists": 100,
"gist_prefix": "",
"save-update-hook": true
23) In order to avoid the 'Warning: watch ENOSPC' error running grunt watch run the following from a terminal Warning: echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p
24) gem install foreman (note that npm instal -g forman does not seem to work right
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