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Created December 12, 2013 11:12
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windows conEmu startup aliases
doskey subl="C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 2\sublime_text.exe" $*
doskey ls=ls $1 --color
doskey ll=ls -la --color
doskey sbl = sublime $*
doskey sshs = ssh [email protected]
doskey oocd = openocd-x64-0.6.1 -f .\stm32f4discovery.cfg
doskey oocd7 = openocd-x64-0.7.0 -f .\stm32f4discovery.cfg
doskey sshkey = type C:\Users\dcrystalj\.ssh\ | clip & echo "ssh key in clipboard"
:: Git
doskey g = git $*
doskey gc = git commit -m $*
doskey gp = git push
doskey gundo = git reset HEAD~ && git clean -df
doskey gundopush = push -f origin HEAD^:master
doskey ga = git add
doskey gaa= git add .
doskey gs = git status
doskey gl = git log
doskey cdwork = cd C:\Users\Crystal\worskpace_stm32f_helios\STM32F4-heating
doskey cdh = cd C:\Users\dcrystalj
doskey cddev = cd C:\dev\laravel\vagrant
doskey ..=cd ..
doskey art=php artisan $*
doskey ars=php artisan serve
:: Generators Package
doskey g:c = php artisan generate:controller
doskey g:m = php artisan generate:model
doskey g:v = php artisan generate:view
doskey g:mig = php artisan generate:migration
doskey g:t = php artisan generate:test
doskey g:r = php artisan generate:resource
doskey g:s = php artisan generate:scaffold
doskey g:f = php artisan generate:form
set VBOX_INSTALL_PATH=C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\
doskey v = vagrant $*
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