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Created April 3, 2023 13:24
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Simple text balancing class written in TypeScript, complete with React hook
Balances text blocks, making them as narrow as possible while maintaining their current height (i.e. number of lines), preventing typographic 'widows' and
'orphans' (single words on a line by themselves).
As of early 2023, native browser support for text balancing is planned but not yet implemented. See
This feature can be previewed in Chrome 114+ by enabling the `Experimental Web Platform features` flag in `chrome://flags`.
For browsers that don't yet support `text-wrap`, this script uses a binary search to find the narrowest width that maintains the current height, based on
the New York Times' implementation:
export class TextBalancer {
elements: HTMLElement[];
resizeTimeout: ReturnType<typeof setTimeout> | null;
static supportsNativeBalance() {
try {
return CSS.supports("text-wrap", "balance");
} catch (e) {
return false;
constructor() {
this.elements = [];
this.resizeTimeout = null;
add(element: HTMLElement) {
if (this.elements.includes(element)) return;
console.log("Gonna balance ", element);
remove(element: HTMLElement) {
this.elements = this.elements.filter((e) => e !== element);
balance() {
this.elements.forEach((element) => {
if (TextBalancer.supportsNativeBalance()) { = "balance";
} else if (textElementIsMultipleLines(element)) {
console.log("Balancing ", element); = "";
squeezeContainer(element, element.clientHeight, 0, element.clientWidth);
resize() {
if (this.resizeTimeout) {
this.resizeTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);
watch() {
window.addEventListener("resize", this.resize.bind(this));
return () => {
window.removeEventListener("resize", this.resize.bind(this));
export function balanceTextElement(element: HTMLElement) {
if (textElementIsMultipleLines(element)) { = "";
squeezeContainer(element, element.clientHeight, 0, element.clientWidth);
// Make the element as narrow as possible while maintaining its current height (number of lines). Binary search.
function squeezeContainer(
element: HTMLElement,
originalHeight: number,
bottomRange: number,
topRange: number
) {
var mid;
if (bottomRange >= topRange) { = topRange + "px";
mid = (bottomRange + topRange) / 2; = mid + "px";
if (element.clientHeight > originalHeight) {
// we've squoze too far and element has spilled onto an additional line; recurse on wider range
squeezeContainer(element, originalHeight, mid + 1, topRange);
} else {
// element has not wrapped to another line; keep squeezing!
squeezeContainer(element, originalHeight, bottomRange + 1, mid);
// function to see if a headline is multiple lines
// we only want to break if the headline is multiple lines
// We achieve this by turning the first word into a span
// and then we compare the height of that span to the height
// of the entire headline. If the headline is bigger than the
// span by 10px we balance the headline.
function textElementIsMultipleLines(element: HTMLElement) {
let firstWordHeight;
let elementHeight;
let firstWord: HTMLSpanElement | null = null;
let ORIGINAL_ELEMENT_TEXT = element.innerHTML;
// usually there is around a 5px discrepency between
// the first word and the height of the whole headline
// so subtract the height of the headline by 10 px and
// we should be good
// get all the words in the headline as
// an array -- will include punctuation
// this is used to put the headline back together
let elementWords = element.innerHTML.split(" ");
// make span for first word and give it an id
// so we can access it in le dom
firstWord = document.createElement("span"); = "element-first-word";
firstWord.innerHTML = elementWords[0];
// this is the entire headline
// as an array except for first word
// we will append it to the headline after the span
elementWords = elementWords.slice(1);
// empty the headline and append the span to it
element.innerHTML = "";
// add the rest of the element back to it
element.innerHTML += " " + elementWords.join(" ");
// update the first word variable in the dom
firstWord = document.getElementById("element-first-word");
if (!firstWord) return false;
firstWordHeight = firstWord.offsetHeight;
elementHeight = element.offsetHeight;
// restore the original element text
// compare the height of the element and the height of the first word
return elementHeight - HEIGHT_OFFSET > firstWordHeight;
import { TextBalancer } from "@lib/balanceText";
import _debounce from "lodash/debounce";
import { MutableRefObject, useEffect, useMemo } from "react";
React Hook to balance text in a container.
function useTextBalancer(
...refsOrSelectors: (string | MutableRefObject<HTMLElement | null>)[]
) {
const textBalancer = useMemo(() => new TextBalancer(), []);
const stringRefs = refsOrSelectors.filter(
(ref) => typeof ref === "string"
) as string[];
const elementRefs = refsOrSelectors.filter(
(ref) => typeof ref !== "string" && ref.current
) as MutableRefObject<HTMLElement | null>[];
useEffect(() => {
if (TextBalancer.supportsNativeBalance()) {
console.log("Supports native balance, skipping text balancer"); // eslint-disable-line no-console
stringRefs.forEach((ref) => {
const elements = document.querySelectorAll(ref);
elements.forEach((element) => {
textBalancer.add(element as HTMLElement);
elementRefs.forEach((ref) => {
if (ref.current) {
export default useTextBalancer;
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