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Last active May 17, 2024 09:47
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How to avoid Git push: username, password in my terminal ?
Problem: Every push prompt me to input username and password.
I would like to avoid it for every push, but how to configure to avoid it?
Answer: Using SSH authentication on terminal.
1. Generate an SSH key
Open terminal to create ssh keys:
cd ~ #Your home directory
ssh-keygen -t rsa #Press enter for all values
For Windows
(Only works if the commit program is capable of using certificates/private & public ssh keys)
Use Putty Gen to generate a key
Export the key as an open SSH key
Here is a walkthrough on putty gen for the above steps
2. Associate the SSH key with the remote repository
This step varies, depending on how your remote is set up.
If it is a GitHub repository and you have administrative privileges, go to settings and click 'add SSH key'. Copy the contents of your ~/.ssh/ into the field labeled 'Key'.
If your repository is administered by somebody else, give the administrator your
3. Set your remote URL to a form that supports SSH 1
If you have done the steps above and are still getting the password prompt, make sure your repo URL is in the form
git+ssh://[email protected]/username/reponame.git
as opposed to
To see your repo URL, run:
git remote show origin
You can change the URL with:
git remote set-url origin git+ssh://[email protected]/username/reponame.git
More details:
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