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Created October 20, 2016 11:45
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;; Brendan Johan Lee <[email protected]>
;; You need Easy PG <> Which is included in Emacs >= 23
;; To activate Easy PG, put the following two lines in your .emacs
(require 'epa-file)
;; When you now visit a file with the extension .gpg, you will be prompted for a
;; key and emacs will encrypt the file. You will also be prompted when opening
;; the file and the file will be decrypted.
;; If you want to avoid being prompted every time the file is saved, add the
;; following to the top of the file in question
-*- epa-file-encrypt-to: ("[email protected]") -*-
;; If you prefer symetric encryption, use
-*- epa-file-encrypt-to: nil -*-
;; Since these files can be required, you can use this to encrypt sensitive
;; configurations (such as service passwords, etc). You will be prompted for
;; the password once when the configuration is loaded. The decrypted config will
;; be retained in memory as long as the given Emacs instance is running
;; So if you have a file ~/secret-config.gpg that you would like loaded when
;; emacs starts, add
(require 'secrets "~/secret-config.gpg")
;; to your .emacs and include the following in ~/secret-config.gpg
(provide 'secrets)
... more lisp code goes here
;; You will now be prompted for your keyphrase to decrypt the file each time you
;; start a new instance of Emacs.
;; But wait, there is more. You can also do this on demmand instead. Imagine that
;; ~/secret-config.pgp contains your usernames and passwords for email in
;; Wanderlust, and you only want to load the config when you actually start
;; Wanderlust in emacs. You can easily do this by simply hooking require thusly
(defun mc-wl-load-settings ()
"Load mail settings from encrypted file + signature support"
(require 'wlsecrets "~/secret-config.gpg"))
;; You can also hook the require as many times as needed, and only be prompted for
;; the password for the first time. So if you have some sort of ldap settings you
;; could also do
(defun mc-ldap-search ()
"Load mail settings from encrypted file and search ldap"
(require 'wlsecrets "~/secret-config.gpg")
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