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Last active September 26, 2016 03:46
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# exercise 1:
# get name and age, then tell user when they will be 100
from datetime import date
def get_num(prompt='Number? '):
"""helper function to prompt for a number"""
_num = 0
while True:
_num = int(input(prompt))
except ValueError:
print('Was that a number? Try again!')
return _num
name = input('\nWhat is your name? ')
age = get_num('\nWhat is your age? ')
cur_year = int(
fut_year = cur_year - age + 100
repeat = get_num('\nHow many messages do you want? ')
if repeat > 20:
answer = input('\nAre you sure you want such a big number? (y/N) ')
if answer.lower() != 'y':
print('OK, resetting to 1...')
repeat = 1
print('\nHello, {0}... you will be 100 in the year {1}!'
.format(name.title(), fut_year) * repeat)
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