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Last active August 25, 2021 06:12
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hq2x and hq4x filter with transparency for Godot Engine
* hq2x and hq4x filter.
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform int type = 0; // 0:none, 1:hq2x, 2:hq4x
void fragment(){
vec4 color = texture(TEXTURE, UV);
vec2 uv = UV;
vec4 c = color;
float x = 0.5 * TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE.x;
float y = 0.5 * TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE.y;
vec2 dg1 = vec2( x, y);
vec2 dg2 = vec2(-x, y);
vec2 ddx = vec2(x,0.0);
vec2 ddy = vec2(0.0,y);
const vec4 dt = vec4(1.0);
if (type==2){
float mx = 1.0; // start smoothing wt.
const float k = -1.10; // wt. decrease factor
const float max_w = 0.75; // max filter weigth
const float min_w = 0.03; // min filter weigth
const float lum_add = 0.33; // effects smoothing
vec2 sd1 = dg1*0.5;
vec2 sd2 = dg2*0.5;
vec4 t1 = vec4(uv-sd1,uv-ddy);
vec4 t2 = vec4(uv-sd2,uv+ddx);
vec4 t3 = vec4(uv+sd1,uv+ddy);
vec4 t4 = vec4(uv+sd2,uv-ddx);
vec4 t5 = vec4(uv-dg1,uv-dg2);
vec4 t6 = vec4(uv+dg1,uv+dg2);
vec4 i1 = texture(TEXTURE, t1.xy);
vec4 i2 = texture(TEXTURE, t2.xy);
vec4 i3 = texture(TEXTURE, t3.xy);
vec4 i4 = texture(TEXTURE, t4.xy);
vec4 o1 = texture(TEXTURE, t5.xy);
vec4 o3 = texture(TEXTURE, t6.xy);
vec4 o2 = texture(TEXTURE,;
vec4 o4 = texture(TEXTURE,;
vec4 s1 = texture(TEXTURE,;
vec4 s2 = texture(TEXTURE,;
vec4 s3 = texture(TEXTURE,;
vec4 s4 = texture(TEXTURE,;
float ko1 = dot(abs(o1-c),dt);
float ko2 = dot(abs(o2-c),dt);
float ko3 = dot(abs(o3-c),dt);
float ko4 = dot(abs(o4-c),dt);
float k1=min(dot(abs(i1-i3),dt),max(ko1,ko3));
float k2=min(dot(abs(i2-i4),dt),max(ko2,ko4));
float w1 = k2; if(ko3<ko1) w1*=ko3/ko1;
float w2 = k1; if(ko4<ko2) w2*=ko4/ko2;
float w3 = k2; if(ko1<ko3) w3*=ko1/ko3;
float w4 = k1; if(ko2<ko4) w4*=ko2/ko4;
w1 = k*dot(abs(i1-c)+abs(i3-c),dt)/(0.125*dot(i1+i3,dt)+lum_add);
w2 = k*dot(abs(i2-c)+abs(i4-c),dt)/(0.125*dot(i2+i4,dt)+lum_add);
w3 = k*dot(abs(s1-c)+abs(s3-c),dt)/(0.125*dot(s1+s3,dt)+lum_add);
w4 = k*dot(abs(s2-c)+abs(s4-c),dt)/(0.125*dot(s2+s4,dt)+lum_add);
w1 = clamp(w1+mx,min_w,max_w);
w2 = clamp(w2+mx,min_w,max_w);
w3 = clamp(w3+mx,min_w,max_w);
w4 = clamp(w4+mx,min_w,max_w);
color = vec4((w1*(i1+i3)+w2*(i2+i4)+w3*(s1+s3)+w4*(s2+s4)+c)/(2.0*(w1+w2+w3+w4)+1.0));
}else if (type==1){
const float mx = 0.325; // start smoothing wt.
const float k = -0.250; // wt. decrease factor
const float max_w = 0.25; // max filter weigth
const float min_w =-0.05; // min filter weigth
const float lum_add = 0.25; // effects smoothing
vec4 t1 = vec4(uv-dg1,uv-ddy);
vec4 t2 = vec4(uv-dg2,uv+ddx);
vec4 t3 = vec4(uv+dg1,uv+ddy);
vec4 t4 = vec4(uv+dg2,uv-ddx);
vec4 c00 = texture(TEXTURE, t1.xy);
vec4 c10 = texture(TEXTURE,;
vec4 c20 = texture(TEXTURE, t2.xy);
vec4 c01 = texture(TEXTURE,;
vec4 c21 = texture(TEXTURE,;
vec4 c02 = texture(TEXTURE, t4.xy);
vec4 c12 = texture(TEXTURE,;
vec4 c22 = texture(TEXTURE, t3.xy);
float md1 = dot(abs(c00 - c22), dt);
float md2 = dot(abs(c02 - c20), dt);
float w1 = dot(abs(c22 - c), dt) * md2;
float w2 = dot(abs(c02 - c), dt) * md1;
float w3 = dot(abs(c00 - c), dt) * md2;
float w4 = dot(abs(c20 - c), dt) * md1;
float t1_ = w1 + w3;
float t2_ = w2 + w4;
float ww = max(t1_, t2_) + 0.0001;
c = (w1 * c00 + w2 * c20 + w3 * c22 + w4 * c02 + ww * c) / (t1_ + t2_ + ww);
float lc1 = k / (0.12 * dot(c10 + c12 + c, dt) + lum_add);
float lc2 = k / (0.12 * dot(c01 + c21 + c, dt) + lum_add);
w1 = clamp(lc1 * dot(abs(c - c10), dt) + mx, min_w, max_w);
w2 = clamp(lc2 * dot(abs(c - c21), dt) + mx, min_w, max_w);
w3 = clamp(lc1 * dot(abs(c - c12), dt) + mx, min_w, max_w);
w4 = clamp(lc2 * dot(abs(c - c01), dt) + mx, min_w, max_w);
color = vec4(w1 * c10 + w2 * c21 + w3 * c12 + w4 * c01 + (1.0 - w1 - w2 - w3 - w4) * c);
COLOR = color;
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