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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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Typescript interfaces and classes as DAL model specifications
// Typescript interfaces and classes as DAL model specifications
* @entity
class IndexedEntity {
* The @id annotation defines primary key, implies @unique, @index
* @id
id : string;
* The @unique annotation an also be used to look up identity, implies @index
* @unique
altId : number;
* The @index field defines an attribute index, no additioanl constraints
* @index
indexed : string;
* Plain, unindexed field
unindexed : string;
* Accessor fields can be defined, not reified in generated entity
get computed() : [ string, number ] {
return [ this.unindexed, this.altId ];
* Accessors used to create compound fields, may also be @index or @unique
* @index
get compoundIndex() : [ string, number ] {
return [, ]
* @entity
class CompoundKeyed {
foo : string;
bar : number;
* Accessor can also be used to define a compound primary key
* @id
get foobar() : [ string, number ] {
* Interfaces declared as entities can be define indexed attributes
* @entity
interface IndexedThing {
foo? : string;
* Indexes defined on an interface allow querying across entity classes
* @index
bar : number;
* Class entities implementing indexed interfacs inherit their indexes
* @entity
class SomeThing implements IndexedThing {
* Optional attribute can be indexed at entity level
foo : string;
* Already indexed at interface level, but can be indexed by entity if need be
* @index
bar : number;
* @entity
class OtherThing implements IndexedThing {
bar : number;
* Trait interfaces expose attributes symbols as static symbols on trait
* @entity
trait interface SomeAttributes {
foo : number;
bar : boolean;
* Traits declared as entities allow attribute index declarations too
* @index
baz : string | number;
quux? : Array<boolean | number>;
* @entity
class AnotherThing implements IndexedThing, SomeAttributes {
// from IndexedThing interface
foo : string;
bar : number;
// from SomeAttributes interface trait
// `as` keyword makes trait symbol attribute available through `foo_` accessor
[] as foo_ : number;
// no alias for `bar` but you can still ref it by symbol to set a defualt value
[] : boolean = true;
// no alias for `baz` either, but it's still implicitly defined as a symbol
// unlike interfaces, trait attribute defs can be elided as they won't conflict
// even though `quux` is optional it still gets a symbol defined for type checking
// trait interfacees can be used to create instances directly
var attrs = SomeAttributes({ foo: 123, bar: true, baz: '', quux: [1, true, 3] });
// attribute values can be referenced through their symbol or string name === attrs[] === 123;
// this can be helpful when initializing entities with required trait attrs
var thing = new AnotherThing(Object.assign({ foo: '', bar: 0 }, attrs));
// traits and interfaces declared as entities can be queried directly
db.query`${} < 1000`;
db.query`${SomeAttributes.baz} >= 'A' && ${SomeAttributes.baz} < 'D'`;
// Implementation notes:
// trait interface could be implemented as a strait-forward rewriting pass
// split trait interface into interface and class implementations
// class exposes all properties as static symbols
// interface defined using symbols for all implementing class properties
// add any `as` aliases as accessors into symbol values
// add type declarations for any elided trait attribute symbols
// but typescript has no support for symbols
// in the meantime, we could rewrite as symbol-like properties for type checking
// we could transform symbol-likes to real symbol instances in a post-compile pass
// if we're rewriting anyway, we may as well add syntax support for annotations too
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