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Last active February 26, 2025 12:01
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  • Save deanmalmgren/8465cdd655008c68934ea2479788181e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save deanmalmgren/8465cdd655008c68934ea2479788181e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
pint currency example

pint + currency_converter = ❤️

This gist is used to demonstrate a bug that I'm running into when trying to dynamically enable currency conversion in pint using currency conversion factors from currencyconverter.

Approach: dynamically add currencies to unit registry following the "full model" approach and add contexts programmatically to convert between any two pairs of units.

repro steps

  1. install dependencies poetry install
  2. run example script poetry run python and notice that it works successfully.
  3. run example script poetry run python and notice that it hangs.
import itertools
import pint
import currency_converter
# create a currency converter instance to load all of the data
cc = currency_converter.CurrencyConverter()
# load custom units and instantiate Quantity base class that is used everywhere
ureg = pint.UnitRegistry()
for c in cc.currencies:
ureg.define(f"{c} = [currency_{c}]") # i.e. USD = [currency_USD]
# add programmatic context for currency conversion
currency_context = pint.Context("currency", defaults={"date": None})
currencies = list(cc.currencies)
for a, b in itertools.combinations(currencies, 2):
def a2b(_ureg, x, date=None, a=a, b=b):
return cc.convert(x.magnitude, a, b, date=date) * _ureg(b)
def b2a(_ureg, x, date=None, a=a, b=b):
return cc.convert(x.magnitude, b, a, date=date) * _ureg(a)
currency_context.add_transformation(f"[currency_{a}]", f"[currency_{b}]", a2b)
currency_context.add_transformation(f"[currency_{b}]", f"[currency_{a}]", b2a)
Quantity = ureg.Quantity
q = Quantity(1, currencies[0])
with ureg.context("currency"):
for c in currencies:
q =
q =[0])
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content-hash = "f46f25da15c5cc2c2314e4fbf46b14036675b84b237be3e3a41eacc3dec5050a"
name = "pint+currency-converter"
version = "0.1.0"
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authors = ["Dean Malmgren <[email protected]>"]
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python = "^3.11"
pint = "^0.24.4"
currencyconverter = "^0.18.3"
ipdb = "^0.13.13"
requires = ["poetry-core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
import itertools
import pint
import currency_converter
# create a currency converter instance to load all of the data
cc = currency_converter.CurrencyConverter()
# load custom units and instantiate Quantity base class that is used everywhere
ureg = pint.UnitRegistry()
for c in cc.currencies:
ureg.define(f"{c} = [currency_{c}]") # i.e. USD = [currency_USD]
# add programmatic context for currency conversion
currency_context = pint.Context("currency", defaults={"date": None})
currencies = ["USD", "EUR", "JPY", "DKK", "CAD"]
for a, b in itertools.combinations(currencies, 2):
def a2b(_ureg, x, date=None, a=a, b=b):
return cc.convert(x.magnitude, a, b, date=date) * _ureg(b)
def b2a(_ureg, x, date=None, a=a, b=b):
return cc.convert(x.magnitude, b, a, date=date) * _ureg(a)
currency_context.add_transformation(f"[currency_{a}]", f"[currency_{b}]", a2b)
currency_context.add_transformation(f"[currency_{b}]", f"[currency_{a}]", b2a)
Quantity = ureg.Quantity
q = Quantity(1, currencies[0])
with ureg.context("currency"):
for c in currencies:
q =
q =[0])
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