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Last active December 16, 2021 07:19
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aoc2021 day16
;;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------+
;;;; | Advent of Code 2021 |
;;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------+
(defpackage #:snippets/aoc2021/day16
(:use #:cl)
(in-package #:snippets/aoc2021/day16)
(defstruct packet
(define-condition end-of-bit-stream (error)
(defun make-bit-stream (bits n)
(let ((remaining n))
(lambda (k)
(if (plusp remaining)
(prog1 (ldb (byte k (- remaining k)) bits)
(decf remaining k))
(error 'end-of-bit-stream)))))
(defun make-bit-stream-from-string (string)
(let ((bits (parse-integer string :radix 16)))
(make-bit-stream bits (* (length string) 4))))
(defun read-bits (bit-stream k)
(funcall bit-stream k))
(defun read-literal-value (bit-stream)
(let* ((bits-per-group 4)
(loop for more = (= 1 (read-bits bit-stream 1))
for group = (read-bits bit-stream bits-per-group)
collect group
until (not more)))
(value 0)
(pos (* bits-per-group (1- (length groups)))))
(dolist (group groups)
(setf (ldb (byte bits-per-group pos) value) group)
(decf pos bits-per-group))
(defun read-subpackets (bit-stream)
(ecase (read-bits bit-stream 1)
(let* ((n (read-bits bit-stream 15))
(bits (read-bits bit-stream n))
(subpackets-bit-stream (make-bit-stream bits n)))
(loop for packet = (read-packet subpackets-bit-stream)
until (null packet)
collect packet)))
(loop repeat (read-bits bit-stream 11)
collect (read-packet bit-stream)))))
(defun read-packet (bit-stream)
(let* ((version (read-bits bit-stream 3))
(type-id (read-bits bit-stream 3))
(payload (if (= type-id 4)
(read-literal-value bit-stream)
(read-subpackets bit-stream))))
(make-packet :version version :type-id type-id :payload payload))
(end-of-bit-stream ()
(defun decode (string)
(let ((bit-stream (make-bit-stream-from-string string)))
(read-packet bit-stream)))
(defun sum-version-numbers (packet)
(+ (packet-version packet)
(if (listp (packet-payload packet))
(reduce #'+ (packet-payload packet) :key #'sum-version-numbers)
(defvar *operators*
#(+ * min max identity b> b< b=))
(defun b> (x y)
(if (> x y) 1 0))
(defun b< (x y)
(if (< x y) 1 0))
(defun b= (x y)
(if (= x y) 1 0))
(defun evaluate (packet)
;; Replace APPLY with CONS to translate the packet into a Lisp
;; expression...
(apply (aref *operators* (packet-type-id packet))
(if (listp (packet-payload packet))
(mapcar #'evaluate (packet-payload packet))
(list (packet-payload packet)))))
(defun day16 (input)
(let ((packet (decode input)))
(list (sum-version-numbers packet)
(evaluate packet))))
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