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Last active October 13, 2023 16:06
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(* Modules - the signature of functions and types with no
implementation whatsoever. Pure interfaces. *)
module type OrderedType = sig
type t
val compare : t -> t -> int
(* Note we don't specify any representation for the implementation of a
[heap]. Just the facts that define a heap - an ordered element, an
abstract type and a bunch of functions *)
module type Heap = sig
module Elem : OrderedType
type heap
val empty : heap
val is_empty : heap -> bool
val insert : Elem.t -> heap -> heap
val merge : heap -> heap -> heap
val find_min : heap -> Elem.t
val delete_min : heap -> heap
(* Exercise 3.7 : Functor that takes any implementation of [Heap] as input and returns a [Heap]
that improves the running time of [find_min] to O(1) by explicitly storing
the minimum element separately from the rest of the heap.
This is an example of a functor used for auto-extension of another module, as mentioned
in the Functors chapter of Real World OCaml *)
module ExplicitMin (H : Heap) : Heap with module Elem = H.Elem = struct
module Elem = H.Elem
type heap = E | NE of Elem.t * H.heap
let empty = E
let is_empty = function
| E -> true
| _ -> false
let insert x = function
| E -> NE (x, H.insert x H.empty)
| NE (y, h) ->
if x y <= 0 then NE (x, H.insert x h)
else NE (y, H.insert x h)
let merge h1 h2 = match h1, h2 with
| E, _ -> h2
| _, E -> h1
| NE (x, h1'), NE (y, h2') ->
if x y <= 0 then NE (x, H.merge h1' h2')
else NE (y, H.merge h1' h2')
let find_min = function
| E -> raise Not_found
| NE (x, _) -> x
let delete_min = function
| E -> raise Not_found
| NE (_, h) ->
let h' = H.delete_min h in
if H.is_empty h' then E else NE (H.find_min h', h')
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