Fabric8 is the opensource upstream project of OpenShift.io from Red Hat.
The idea/goal of Fabric8 project (in simple words) is to connect the end-to-end of the software development process (planning, coding, analytics, tests, CI/CD, scaling and so on) with one pipeline, cutting down on time wasted on mundane chores and yak-shaving; allowing better collaboration/productivity.
As of now, the contributing members of Fabric8 project are grossly Red Hat employees, but that's never a good thing for an OSS project. Even though the project is in its adolescence, we'd like to ensure it adopts/inherits and stays true to opensource philosophies.
Enabling the community around it to hop in and share hands is part of the challenge, and we're not there yet. But whatever is lacking is not by design, or is intended. We want to discover what can be done better, and we need your help. Please come in, look around, share what you feel can be done better; try to contribute, notice what ties your hands from doing so and raise your voice. We want to fix it ASAP.
In the following guides you will find out how to hop into the sub-projects of Fabric8 (SPOILER ALERT: the list is not complete yet - HALP!
). Try to look into respective project repo's README or docs for more details.
For now, please add all the meta-thoughts about this gist/instructions in form of comments here itself. We'll add more communication channels very soon. Once we have good enough contents in here to help new contributors jump-start, we'll move this somewhere more permanent.