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Last active June 18, 2023 16:55
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Fast inter-process communication (ipc) for python on MS-Windows using shared memory and eventing.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright 2018-09-09, Wolfgang Kühn
Fast inter-process communication (ipc) for Python (CPython, PyPy, 2.7, 3.6+) on MS-Windows.
It uses shared memory and eventing.
Example rpc style synchronization:
Server (rpc provider):
import ipc
ipc_context = ipc.IpcContext('MySecret')
while True:
message = ipc_context.read_data()
Client (consumer, does not read data in this example):
import ipc
ipc_context = ipc.IpcContext('MySecret')
while True:
message = some_important_message()
A possible alternative is named pipes, see for example
import sys
import mmap
from ctypes import windll, WINFUNCTYPE
import ctypes.wintypes as wt
import logging
assert sys.platform == 'win32'
# Minimal shim for win32event, in case you cannot have pywin32 (pypy, etc)
# Taken from from
WAIT_OBJECT_0 = 0 # The state of the object is signaled.
WAIT_TIMEOUT = 258 # The time-out interval elapsed, and the object's state is nonsignaled.
CreateEvent = windll.kernel32.CreateEventW
CreateEvent.restype = wt.HANDLE
CreateEvent.argtypes = (wt.LPVOID, wt.BOOL, wt.BOOL, wt.LPCWSTR)
SetEvent = windll.kernel32.SetEvent
SetEvent.restype = wt.BOOL
SetEvent.argtypes = (wt.HANDLE,)
# GIL-releasing wrapper for WaitForSingleObject. Needed so that calling WaitForSingleObjectEx
# only blocks its thread, not the complete process.
prototype = WINFUNCTYPE(wt.DWORD, wt.HANDLE, wt.DWORD)
paramflags = (1, "handle"), (1, "milliseconds")
wait_for_single_object_release_gil = prototype(("WaitForSingleObject", windll.kernel32), paramflags)
class Event:
An Event implementation equivalent to threading.Event. We use one event for one process. Do not attempt to use
one event for two processes as this will interfere with the auto-reset nature.
def __init__(self, name):
Creates or binds to an auto-reset event object, meaning the event
is set to nonsignaled after the single waiting thread has been released.
self._event = CreateEvent(None, False, False, name)
def wait(self, timeout=None): # type (float) -> bool
status = wait_for_single_object_release_gil(self._event, INFINITE if timeout is None else timeout)
return status == WAIT_OBJECT_0
def set(self):
class IpcContext:
def __init__(self, secret):
Initializing will block until both processes have joined.
events = [Event('evt_handle_0_' + secret), Event('evt_handle_1_' + secret)]
# Note 1: In Python 3.6.6 mmap.resize() is broken, so we cannot do dynamic allocation.
# The length must be bigger than the biggest message send, ever!
# Note 2: Initially, the buffer is initialized to all 0s. We use this to spot the first joining process.
self.shared_data = mmap.mmap(-1, length=1024*1024, tagname='buffer_' + secret, access=mmap.ACCESS_WRITE)
# Python 2.7 fix
buffer = bytearray(self.shared_data[:])
activation_index = buffer[0]
if any(buffer[1:]) or activation_index not in {0, 1}:
raise AssertionError('The memory map is polluted. Do you already have a process running?')
if activation_index == 0:'my process was first')
self.shared_data[0:1] = b'\x01' # Set first byte to 1 for second process.
else:'my process was second')
self.my_event, self.other_event = events
if activation_index == 0:
self.my_event.wait() # I am first, wait for the second process to join.
self.other_event.set() # I am second, release the first process.
def wait(self):
def signal_then_wait(self): # type: () -> bool
return self.my_event.wait() # NEVER set a breakpoint on this line else you will deadlock!
def send_data_then_wait(self, raw_doc):
return self.my_event.wait() # NEVER set a breakpoint on this line else you will deadlock!
def send_data(self, raw_doc):
# Copy raw_doc to memory map
if len(raw_doc) > len(self.shared_data):
raise AssertionError('Message too big: {len(raw_doc)}')
self.shared_data[0:len(raw_doc)] = raw_doc
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