I wanted to extract my OTP secrets from Authy, so that I could install them on my preferred OTP generator. I found this gist by Indrek Ardel, based on another by Brian Hartvigsen, which were very thorough, but had out-of-date console instructions and sent your secret data through a Google QR code image-generator service. Thankfully, the general principle still works, with some simplification. Turn on developer mode for Chrome extensions and open the JS console for the Authy Chrome app's main.html
, and enter:
appManager.getDecryptedApps().forEach(a => { console.log(a.name + ': ' + a.secretSeed); });
This will display the hex-encoded seed for each service that you have configured with Authy. Copy the one you want.
To generate a OTP with that seed (in hex! You don't need to convert to Base32 for oathtool
, which is available in Homebrew as part of the oath-toolkit