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Last active October 9, 2019 10:47
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This gist shows how to calculate the diff in seconds between host UTC time and Google Cloud remote machine creation UTC time and use it to wait_for SSH only if the machine is new to avoid being blocked by SSH Guard
import datetime
class FilterModule(object):
def filters(self):
return {
'rfc3339_to_utc': self.rfc3339_to_utc
def rfc3339_to_utc(self, rfc3339_date):
# Test
# f = FilterModule()
# assert str(f.rfc3339_to_utc("2019-10-08T16:39:57.097+07:00")) == "2019-10-08 09:39:57"
# assert str(f.rfc3339_to_utc("2019-10-08T16:39:57.097-07:00")) == "2019-10-08 23:39:57"
date, time = rfc3339_date.split("T")
op = "-"
if "+" in time:
op = "+"
time, offset = time.split(op)
offset_hour = op + offset.split(":")[0]
dt = "T".join([date, time])[:19]
dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(dt, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
dt -= datetime.timedelta(hours=int(offset_hour))
return dt
# ################################################
# start seconds_since_instance_creation
# This fact is important to avoid random SHH Time Out!
# wait_for SSH if done too many times will block host IP (ie, experimenting on playbook)
# because it will think that it's an SSH attack, given that this call to SSH doesn't provide credentials.
# This param will be used to run wait_for just if the instance was created recently. If not,
# we will asume SSH is already running and skip
- name: host_dt_now_utc
# -u param in date returns UTC datetime on host. Then parsed to dt with no timezone info.
host_dt_now_utc: "{{ ( lookup('pipe','date -u +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') | to_datetime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') ) }}"
- name: gcp_rfc3339_to_utc
# GCP machines return their timestamps in rfc3339 format containing timezone info.
# This custom filter will return a python datetime in UTC with no tz info.
gcp_rfc3339_to_utc: "{{ instance.creationTimestamp | rfc3339_to_utc }}"
- name: seconds_since_instance_creation
seconds_since_instance_creation: "{{ ( host_dt_now_utc | to_datetime - gcp_rfc3339_to_utc | to_datetime ).total_seconds() }}"
# end seconds_since_instance_creation
# ################################################
- name: Wait for SSH to come up
host: "{{ instance.networkInterfaces[0].accessConfigs[0].natIP }}"
port: 22
delay: 5
sleep: 5
timeout: 100
state: started
when: "seconds_since_instance_creation|int < 240"
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