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deebs67 /
Last active July 3, 2022 21:57
Ukraine crisis

The conflict in Ukraine

Here is a list of interesting links (articles, videos etc.) with relevance to the current (as of March 2022) conflict in Ukraine:

George Friedman on 'Flashpoints: The Emerging Crisis in Europe' (video, ~1hr10), with some interesting analysis of the geopolitical situation in Ukraine, during the last ~10 mins:

Robert H. Wade of (but not on behalf of) the LSE explains 'Why the US and Nato have long wanted Russia to attack Ukraine':

deebs67 /
Last active March 4, 2021 12:57
Reinforcement Learning (RL)

Reinforcement Learning (RL)

On this page we pull together some key links on the topic of Reinforcement Learning (RL), which is a particular technique within the wider fields of Machine Learning (ML) or Artificial Intelligence (AI).

RL educational resources

Here is 'Reinforcement Learning with Matlab and Simulink'. It is produced by Mathworks, the company which produces the software products mentioned in the title. There are some videos (narrated by Brian Douglas) and an ebook, which all do a good job of explaining how RL might be used to control robots, navigate gridworlds, and other examples:

Gym from OpenAI is a toolkit for developing and comparing Reinforcement Learning algorithms. It supports teaching RL 'agents' everything from walking to playing games like Pong or Pinball:

deebs67 /
Last active June 11, 2023 20:43
Matchbox Machine-Learning

Matchbox Machine-Learning

On this page are provided some links to the Reinforcement Learning (RL) form of 'Artificial Intelligence' (AI) using 'Matchbox' machines, as originally pioneered by Donald Michie in 1960, later publicised by Martin Gardner, and (more recently) further popularised as a 'STEM' topic by others such as Matt Scroggs, Matt Parker and Oliver Child. For more information about RL in general, including tutorials and potential real-world applications, see the following Gist:

MENACE: the 'Machine-Educable Noughts And Crosses Engine'

Here is Matt Parker presenting a Manchester Science Festival demo of 'MENACE', the 'Matchbox Machine' which plays noughts-and-crosses (a.k.a. Tic-Tac-Toe), as invented by Donald Michie (video, ~14 mins):

deebs67 /
Last active November 23, 2023 19:51
Julia programming language

The Julia programming language

On this page is provided a curated (and git-clonable) list of links to useful Julia resources. Julia is a programming language/runtime which looks to be combining the best aspects of many other languages such as:

i) Python - e.g. first-class functions and lambda expressions, closures, Jupyter notebooks, open-source, 'pythonic' etc.
ii) Matlab/Octave - e.g. compact vector/matrix notation for Linear Algebra
iii) Lisp - e.g. REPL, code introspection, metaprogramming macros etc., and
iv) C/Fortran - fast, even for tight nested loops

whilst Julia claims to combine these nice features all into one package:

deebs67 /
Last active September 20, 2021 04:54


On this page is provided a curated (and git-clonable) list of useful Covid-19 links...

Covid-19 facts and figures

U.K. Covid-19 statistics (confirmed cases, deaths etc.), continuously updated:
...and original source of U.K. Government Covid-19 data:
...and weekly deaths registered in England and Wales, compared with previous years (shows a significant spike related to Covid-19):


PICO-8 is a 'fantasy' virtual console emulator, costing 15USD for a personal multi-platform license. In essence it is a cross-platform IDE for creating 1980s-style low-res 8-bit games, including both sound and graphics. The game scripting is done in the Lua programming language. The games can be run either within the PICO-8 IDE itself, or as a web-based game (for non-subscribers) in a modern browser. The web browser needs to be on a desktop machine (e.g. Windows, Mac, Linux inc. Raspberry Pi) using a keyboard and/or USB game controller. The games can be saved in pseudo-cartridges (or 'carts') either in text files or within PNG files.

Main website:

Some PICO-8 resources

Resources page:
Wiki site:

deebs67 /
Last active February 23, 2020 18:52
Micro:bit Earthquake Jenga
deebs67 /
Last active March 15, 2020 15:04
Some useful notes on using git

Git notes

This is a gist to capture useful notes on using git.

N.B. There's a good Github tutorial on Youtube at:

Some git commands which I have found to be useful are:
git branch # To find what branch you are on
git branch -a # To list all branches
git status

deebs67 /
Last active March 2, 2024 02:03
ARMlite simulator

ARMlite simulator

The ARMlite simulator is a web-based simulator of a 32-bit 'ARM-like' processor and Instruction Set Architecture (ISA), developed by Peter Higginson and Richard Pawson for teaching Computer Science (CS) principles and Assembly Language. It is targetted particularly towards the AQA A-level computing syllabus. It is exceptionally user-friendly and fast, and great fun to experiment with!

Free online student textbook on the topic:
[1] Richard Pawson (with Peter Higginson), Computer Science from the Metal Up - Assembly Language Programming, v1.0.0, 2020

Online simulator for the ARMlite ISA here:

deebs67 /
Last active October 28, 2024 14:39
Programs for the 'Little Man Computer' (LMC)