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Last active January 16, 2025 15:22
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How to Connect To PostgreSQL Using SSHTunnelForwarder and Psycopg2
import psycopg2
from sshtunnel import SSHTunnelForwarder
# For interactive work (on ipython) it's easier to work with explicit objects
# instead of contexts.
# Create an SSH tunnel
tunnel = SSHTunnelForwarder(
('', 22),
remote_bind_address=('localhost', 5432),
local_bind_address=('localhost',6543), # could be any available port
# Start the tunnel
# Create a database connection
conn = psycopg2.connect(
# Get a database cursor
cur = conn.cursor()
# Execute SQL
# Get the result
result = cur.fetchall()
# Close connections
# Stop the tunnel
# Alternatively use contexts...
with SSHTunnelForwarder(...) as tunnel:
with psycopg2.connect(...) as connect:
cur = conn.cursor()
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tomdecort commented Dec 20, 2019

I had to add following line, because tunnel was not closing properly (and thus script not stopping)
tunnel._server_list[0].block_on_close = False

Just hope this saves some time to others facing the same issue

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mbant commented Feb 18, 2020

A similar fix as above works by setting tunnel.daemon_forward_servers = True

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arthurgailes commented Mar 4, 2020

Thanks so much. I'd been searching for a solution to this problem for hours. A tip for people like me: make sure the port in local_bind_address is different from the one in remote_bind_address. Having them both the same (i.e. 5432) caused me problems.

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lchapo commented Sep 22, 2020

Another tip is the remote_bind_address may not be localhost if you need to forward the request to a different host, e.g. in my case to an RDS address. In that case you'd want remote_bind_address=(db_host_address, 5432)

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