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Last active May 3, 2019 14:58
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When you want an output of the members' names and photos of your slack team
//// SLACK group listing of people and photos!
/* Get the names and photos of the people in your slack group and prints to A4!
- Go to the web version of your slack channel
- Open the "Channel Details" tab
- Expand "members"
- Click the "See all people"
- Copy and paste this script into your JS console
- Scroll the members list up and down until all the members have been added to the array. You can see the count in the console
- Type show() to Show or print() to Print
var people = [];
var $dialog = $("#channel_membership_dialog_scroller");
$dialog.scroll(function (){
var rows = $(".channel_page_member_row", $dialog);
$.each(rows, function(i, val) {
var currentRow = val
var userName = $(".c-unified_member__display-name",currentRow).text()
// add to array if not existing
var index = people.findIndex(x => == userName)
if (index === -1) {
var userImage = $(".member_preview_link",currentRow).css("background-image") || ""
if (userImage.length != 0) {
userImage = userImage.substring(5)
userImage = userImage.substring(0,userImage.length-4) + "100" // or a size of your choosing
} else {
userImage = ""
people.push({name:userName, image: userImage});
}else {
console.log("userName: "+userName+" already exists - Count: "+ people.length)
function show(doPrint){
people.sort((a, b) => ( > ? 1 : -1)
var content = "<html><body><style>figure {float: left; display: block} img {width: 150px} @media print {body{width: 21cm;height: 29.7cm;margin: 30mm 45mm 30mm 45mm; }}</style>";
$.each(people, function(i, person){ content += "<figure><img src='"+person.image +"'/><figcaption>" + +"</figcaption></figure>"});
content += "</body></html>"
var profileWindow ="", "newWindow", "width=1000,height=700")
profileWindow.document.body.innerHTML = content;
if (doPrint) {
function print(){
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deeja commented May 3, 2019

Added some styling, sorting and image filling.

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