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Created July 31, 2024 22:44
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  • Save deekayen/8e024e2d3e7154515b180d82f3fa61a8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Copy a Rescuetime post-commit hook configuration file for highlighting commits in my timeline
chmod +x post-commit
find . -name hooks -type d -maxdepth 4 -exec cp post-commit {} \;
# Log commit messages as a 'highlight' in RescueTime Premium
# To enable this hook:
# 1. Place this file in your project's .git/hooks directory and make sure its name is "post-commit".
# 2. Make sure it has executable permissions (chmod +x post-commit)
# 3. All commits will be automatically logged as highlight events.
# REQUIRED FIELDS - Today's date and commit message
MESSAGE=$(git log -1 HEAD --pretty=format:%s)
DATE_TODAY=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
# OPTIONAL - Label
LABEL='code commit'
if [[ ${#MESSAGE} -gt 20 ]]; then
curl --data "key=$API_KEY&highlight_date=$DATE_TODAY&description=$MESSAGE&source=$LABEL"
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