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extern and use in rust guessing-game doc
as a rust noob and coming from ruby
was confused why we need `extern crate` and `use` both ?
the `guessing-game` chapter has these two paragraphs:
The first thing we’ve done is change the first line. It now says
`extern crate rand`. Because we declared `rand` in our `[dependencies]`, we
can use `extern crate` to let Rust know we’ll be making use of it. This also
does the equivalent of a `use rand;` as well, so we can make use of anything
in the `rand` crate by prefixing it with `rand::`.
Next, we added another `use` line: `use rand::Rng`. We’re going to use a
method in a moment, and it requires that `Rng` be in scope to work. The basic
idea is this: methods are defined on something called ‘traits’, and for the
method to work, it needs the trait to be in scope. For more about the
details, read the [traits][traits] section.
[traits]: traits.html
But the example does not compile if we remove `use rand::Rng;`
also is not clear to me why we need to get a copy of the random number generator without reading the
chapter on concurrency. the relevant paragraph is:
We use the `rand::thread_rng()` function to get a copy of the random number
generator, which is local to the particular [thread][concurrency] of execution
we’re in. Because we `use rand::Rng`’d above, it has a `gen_range()` method
available. This method takes two arguments, and generates a number between
them. It’s inclusive on the lower bound, but exclusive on the upper bound,
so we need `1` and `101` to get a number ranging from one to a hundred.
[concurrency]: concurrency.html
can this be clarified or summarized without reading the chapter on traits or concurrency ?
had this question after doing the `guessing-game` tutorial
asked on irc and found that
- `extern crate` links the crate
- `use` makes the compiler look for that symbol (not sure)
then another question was, why not import everything in `Cargo.toml` ?
and why have `extern crate` on a file by file basic ?
the answer is that we can depend on different versions of a crate
use is for convenience evidently. so that we do not have to write fully qualified name
nothing to do with preludes. thought initially we import all symbols (imps etc) manually
or use a predule. nothing like that though evidently
more info (from irc)
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