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Forked from oginorasta/Intellij Shortcut list
Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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Strg Alt Shift Key Function
x Einf Generate/Insert dialog
x x ENTER Statements completion like blocks and brackets
x x T Surrond codeblock with…
x W Select succesively increasing code blocks
x F11 bookmarks and mark the line with selected key
x F11 invokes a list of bookmarks. Pressing a key takes to associated bookmark.
x x Backspace go to most recent code edit. Hit again to go even further back.
x E recent opened files
x x E recent edited files
x x T create Test unit
x x x N search for symbol, e.g. methodname
x N Go to class
x x A open dialog for searching for shortcuts
x B Goto declaration
x x B Goto implementation
x U Goto super-method/super-class
x O Select Method to Overrid/Implement Dialog
x x O Organize Imports
x x <- resp. -> to get back to where I was / go forward again
x <- resp. -> navigate between tabs
x x F7 Show usages
x F7 Find usages
x P Parameter info
x F Find
x x F Find in Path
F3 Find next
x F3 Find previous
x x F3 (Find in path) to search in the whole project.
F2 Next highlighted error
x F2 Previous highlighted error
x x V Introduce Variable Refactoring
x Backspace Delete to word start
x Delete Delete to word end
x x M Extract Method
x x V Past more recent elements from clipboard
x F8 Set/Unset Breakpoint
x x F8 View all Breakpoints
x J Inser live Template
x x F12 Maximize editor window
x Q Quick JavaDoc Popup
x x I Clean up tab misalignment
x Pos1 Jump to breadcrumbs
x F12 Popup class structure
x D Repeat/copy current line directly beneath
x H Type Hirarchy
x x H Call Hirarchy of method
x ! Select boolean from completion list, will negate it
x x x T Refactor this
x x Del Unwrap/Delete block
After enter press TAB:
inn if not null - block
ifn if null - block
iter it will figure out the most likely variable you want to iterate over and generate a for loop for it
inst check object type with instanceof block
itco Iterate over collection
itit Iterate over Iterator
itli Iterate over List
iten Iterate over Enumerator
fori Create iteration loop
itar Iterate elements of array
ittok Iterate tokens from String
itve Iterate element of Vector
ritar Iterate elelemts of array in reverse order
psf public static final block
thr throw new block
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