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Created April 17, 2022 20:15
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  • Save deepanprabhu/a5fee0b24de30371e3b215aecd5007bc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save deepanprabhu/a5fee0b24de30371e3b215aecd5007bc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
libvips quick clis
$ i=0
$ while vips copy x.tif[page=$i] y$i.tif; do ((i++)); done
tiff2vips: TIFF does not contain page 5
$ ls
x.tif y0.tif y1.tif y2.tif y3.tif y4.tif
Make a single jpeg with all pages
vips copy "a.pdf[n=-1]" a.jpg
Make a single jpeg with 2 pages
vips copy "a.pdf[n=2]" a.jpg
Make a single jpeg with second page
vips copy "a.pdf[page=2]" a.jpg
Make a single jpeg - starting from second page of pdf and total of 3 pages
vips copy "a.pdf[page=2,n=3]" a.jpg
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