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Created March 5, 2021 13:12
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async function checkout() {
try {
const adyenPaymentMethods = await callServer("/api/getPaymentMethods");
// create a new payment request
const request = new PaymentRequest(buildSupportedPaymentMethodData(adyenPaymentMethods), buildShoppingCartDetails());
// show payment sheet
const payment = await;
// Here we would process the payment.
const response = await callServer("/api/initiatePayment", {
// This works only for PCI compliant credit card payments.
// For non PCI compliant payments the data needs to be encrypted with something like
// But encrypting data here is not secure as a malicious script may be able to access the data in memory here
paymentMethod: {
type: "scheme",
number: payment.details.cardNumber,
expiryMonth: payment.details.expiryMonth,
expiryYear: payment.details.expiryYear,
holderName: payment.details.cardholderName,
cvc: payment.details.cardSecurityCode,
// Handle the response code
switch (response.resultCode) {
case "Authorised":
await payment.complete("success");
window.location.href = "/result/success";
case "Pending":
case "Received":
await payment.complete("unknown");
window.location.href = "/result/pending";
case "Refused":
await payment.complete("fail");
window.location.href = "/result/failed";
await payment.complete("fail");
window.location.href = "/result/error";
} catch (error) {
// ...
return false;
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It looks good! I also recommend to pay attention to SPD Technology, because they specialize in creating customized payment system solutions and offer a professional approach to every project.

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