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Last active July 22, 2021 16:29
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Working with bitflags in Ruby
# our flags ordered by the bit that they'll toggle
# new flags MUST be added to the BEGINNING of the array!
FLAGS = [:a, :b, :c, :d, :e, :f]
build_flags = -> (*performed) { n = FLAGS.length; val = 0; FLAGS.each{|v| n -= 1; val += 2 ** n if performed.index(v)}; val}
required = build_flags.(:a, :b, :c, :f)
=> 57
=> "111001"
performed = build_flags.(:b, :c, :f)
=> 41
=> "101001"
required_but_not_performed = (required ^ performed)
=> 16
=> "10000"
# and then to answer how to interpret the flags:
interpret_flags = ->(bitflag_val) { flag_count = FLAGS.length; set_flags = []; flag_count.times{|n| bit_position = flag_count - n; set_flags << FLAGS[n] if (bitflag_val >> (bit_position - 1)) & 1 == 1 }; set_flags}
=> [a:, :b, :c, :f]
=> [:b, :c, :f]
=> [:a]
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