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Last active August 1, 2024 22:55
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C++ `noexcept` keyword experiment with PSRayTracing
option(WITH_NOEXCEPT "Use the `noexcept` annotation for various functions (faster?)" OFF)
# ...
message(STATUS "Using `noexcept` annotations (faster?)")
target_compile_definitions(PSRayTracing_StaticLibrary PUBLIC USE_NOEXCEPT)
message(STATUS "Turned off use of `noexcept` (slower?)")
#define NOEXCEPT noexcept
#define NOEXCEPT
int find_index_plain(const vector<int> &numbers, const int x)
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.size(); i++)
if (numbers[i] == x)
return i;
return -1;
int find_index_noexcept(const vector<int> &numbers, const int x) noexcept
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.size(); i++)
if (numbers[i] == x)
return i;
return -1;
find_index_noexcept(std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> > const&, int):
mov rax, QWORD PTR [rdi+8]
mov rdx, QWORD PTR [rdi]
mov rcx, rax
sub rcx, rdx
sar rcx, 2
cmp rax, rdx
je .L13
xor eax, eax
jmp .L12
add rax, 1
cmp rax, rcx
jnb .L13
cmp esi, DWORD PTR [rdx+rax*4]
jne .L15
mov eax, -1
find_index_plain(std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> > const&, int):
mov rax, QWORD PTR [rdi+8]
mov rdx, QWORD PTR [rdi]
mov rcx, rax
sub rcx, rdx
sar rcx, 2
cmp rax, rdx
je .L5
xor eax, eax
jmp .L4
add rax, 1
cmp rax, rcx
jnb .L5
cmp DWORD PTR [rdx+rax*4], esi
jne .L8
mov eax, -1
// This is merely a snippet. Doing a `rg NOEXCEPT | wc -l` yields at least 450 results.
12:inline void sphere_get_uv(const Vec3 &p, rreal &u, rreal &v) NOEXCEPT {
21:Sphere::Sphere(const Vec3 &cen, const rreal r, const shared_ptr<IMaterial> &mat) NOEXCEPT :
27:shared_ptr<IHittable> Sphere::deep_copy() const NOEXCEPT {
40:) const NOEXCEPT {
122:) const NOEXCEPT {
128:rreal Sphere::pdf_value(RandomGenerator &rng, const Vec3 &origin, const Vec3 &v) const NOEXCEPT {
142:Vec3 Sphere::random(RandomGenerator &rng, const Vec3 &origin) const NOEXCEPT {
30:std::shared_ptr<IHittable> ConstantMedium::deep_copy() const NOEXCEPT {
38:bool ConstantMedium::hit(RandomGenerator &rng, const Ray &r, const rreal t_min, const rreal t_max, HitRecord &rec) const NOEXCEPT {
72:bool ConstantMedium::bounding_box(const rreal t0, const rreal t1, AABB &output_box) const NOEXCEPT {
6:shared_ptr<IHittable> FlipFace::deep_copy() const NOEXCEPT {
10:bool FlipFace::hit(RandomGenerator &rng, const Ray &r, const rreal t_min, const rreal t_max, HitRecord &rec) const NOEXCEPT {
18:bool FlipFace::bounding_box(const rreal t0, const rreal t1, AABB &output_box) const NOEXCEPT {
13: explicit Translate(const std::shared_ptr<IHittable> &obj, const Vec3 &displacement) NOEXCEPT;
15: std::shared_ptr<IHittable> deep_copy() const NOEXCEPT override;
17: bool hit(RandomGenerator &rng, const Ray &r, const rreal t_min, const rreal t_max, HitRecord &rec) const NOEXCEPT override;
18: bool bounding_box(const rreal t0, const rreal t1, AABB &output_box) const NOEXCEPT override;
24: ) const NOEXCEPT override {
31: ) const NOEXCEPT override {
8:HittableList::HittableList(const shared_ptr<IHittable> &object) NOEXCEPT {
12:shared_ptr<IHittable> HittableList::deep_copy() const NOEXCEPT {
23:void HittableList::clear() NOEXCEPT {
27:void HittableList::add(const shared_ptr<IHittable> &object) NOEXCEPT {
31:bool HittableList::hit(RandomGenerator &rng, const Ray &r, const rreal t_min, const rreal t_max, HitRecord &rec) const NOEXCEPT {
53:) const NOEXCEPT {
73:rreal HittableList::pdf_value(RandomGenerator &rng, const Vec3 &origin, const Vec3 &v) const NOEXCEPT {
84:Vec3 HittableList::random(RandomGenerator &rng, const Vec3 &origin) const NOEXCEPT {
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