This is a very quick tutorial on how to auto-type
from KeePassXC
to a CLI
application. The document is mostly for myself to remember how to do it, but feel free to add your comments and improvements.
I use KeePassXC as my main password manager. About a couple of months ago I discovered I don't need to copy passwords from KeepassXC via clipboard. I found out about the Auto-Type
feature in the KeepassXC User Guide. According to the user guide, Auto-Type "acts like a virtual keyboard to populate data from your entries directly into the corresponding websites or applications that you use".
This is great for websites since I don't need any browser plugin. Instead I just press CTRL-Option-A (in my case) and let the user and password fields be auto-completed using KeepassXC. in order to do this correctly, you can configure a Window-Association
. This is usually the title of a website as f