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Last active September 15, 2024 21:13
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Blofeld MIDI CCs for SuperCollider
// Waldorf Blofeld MIDI CCs
~blofeldCC = Dictionary[
\general -> Dictionary[
\bankSelectMsb -> 0,
\modWheel -> 1,
\breathControl -> 2,
\footControl -> 4,
\glideRate -> 5,
\channelVolume -> 7,
\pan -> 10,
\arpeggiatorRange -> 12,
\arpeggiatorLength -> 13,
\arpeggiatorActive -> 14,
\pitchmod -> 50,
\glideMode -> 51,
\sustainPedal -> 64,
\glideActive -> 65,
\sostenuto -> 66,
\filterRouting -> 67,
\allSoundOff -> 120,
\resetAllControllers -> 121,
\localControlOnOff -> 122,
\allNotesOff -> 123
\lfo1 -> Dictionary[
\shape -> 15,
\speed -> 16,
\sync -> 17,
\delay -> 18
\lfo2 -> Dictionary[
\shape -> 19,
\speed -> 20,
\sync -> 21,
\delay -> 22
\lfo3 -> Dictionary[
\shape -> 23,
\speed -> 24,
\sync -> 25,
\delay -> 26
\oscillator1 -> Dictionary[
\octave -> 27,
\semitone -> 28,
\detune -> 29,
\fm -> 30,
\shape -> 31,
\pulsewidth -> 33,
\pwm -> 34
\oscillator2 -> Dictionary[
\octave -> 35,
\semitone -> 36,
\detune -> 37,
\fm -> 38,
\shape -> 39,
\pulsewidth -> 40,
\pwm -> 41
\oscillator3 -> Dictionary[
\octave -> 42,
\semitone -> 43,
\detune -> 44,
\fm -> 45,
\shape -> 46,
\pulsewidth -> 47,
\pwm -> 48
\mix -> Dictionary[
\osc1Level -> 52,
\osc1Balance -> 53,
\ringmodLevel -> 54,
\ringmodBalance -> 55,
\osc2Level -> 56,
\osc2Balance -> 57,
\osc3Level -> 58,
\osc3Balance -> 59,
\noiseLevel -> 60,
\noiseBalance -> 61,
\noiseColor -> 62
\filter1 -> Dictionary[
\type -> 68,
\cutoff -> 69,
\resonance -> 70,
\drive -> 71,
\keytrack -> 72,
\envelopeAmount -> 73,
\envelopeVelocity -> 74,
\cutoffModulation -> 75,
\fm -> 76,
\pan -> 77,
\panModulation -> 78
\filter2 -> Dictionary[
\type -> 79,
\cutoff -> 80,
\resonance -> 81,
\drive -> 82,
\keytrack -> 83,
\envelopeAmount -> 84,
\envelopeVelocity -> 85,
\cutoffModulation -> 86,
\fm -> 87,
\pan -> 88,
\panModulation -> 89
\amp -> Dictionary[
\volume -> 90,
\velocity -> 91,
\modulation -> 92
\fx -> Dictionary[
\fx1Mix -> 93,
\fx2Mix -> 94
\filterEnvelope -> Dictionary[
\attack -> 95,
\decay -> 96,
\sustain -> 97,
\decay2 -> 98,
\sustain2 -> 99,
\release -> 100
\ampEnvelope -> Dictionary[
\attack -> 101,
\decay -> 102,
\sustain -> 103,
\decay2 -> 104,
\sustain2 -> 105,
\release -> 106
\envelope3 -> Dictionary[
\attack -> 107,
\decay -> 108,
\sustain -> 109,
\decay2 -> 110,
\sustain2 -> 111,
\release -> 112
\envelope4 -> Dictionary[
\attack -> 113,
\decay -> 114,
\sustain -> 115,
\decay2 -> 116,
\sustain2 -> 117,
\release -> 118
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