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MattHealy / apigateway-sqs-integration.yaml
Created May 22, 2019 02:53
Cloudformation Template for API Gateway AWS Service Integration to SQS Queue
Description: API Gateway to JSON payloads and send to SQS
Description: Endpoint for this stage of the api
Value: !Join
- ''
- - https://
- !Ref 'SQSProxy'
- prod
gbaman /
Created November 1, 2017 00:18
An example on using the Github GraphQL API with Python 3
# An example to get the remaining rate limit using the Github GraphQL API.
import requests
headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer YOUR API KEY"}
def run_query(query): # A simple function to use to make the API call. Note the json= section.
request ='', json={'query': query}, headers=headers)
if request.status_code == 200:
tkuchiki /
Last active January 10, 2025 20:54
terraform の external data source を使って外部コマンドの実行結果を variable として使用する
variable "foo" {
type = "string"
default = "baz"
data "external" "example" {
program = ["bash", ""]
query = {
foo = "${}"