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Created October 19, 2024 10:25
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Service to send events to a Telelelgram bot
import TelegramBot from "node-telegram-bot-api";
//TODO: Add a way to track events in a database right now I'm lazy.
export interface TelegramEventTrackerConfig {
botToken: string;
chatId: string;
type PrimitiveType = string | number | boolean;
export interface EventData {
[key: string]: PrimitiveType | PrimitiveType[] | null | undefined;
export class TelegramEventTracker {
private static instance: TelegramEventTracker | null = null;
private bot: TelegramBot;
private chatId: string;
private constructor(config: TelegramEventTrackerConfig) {
if (!config.botToken || !config.chatId) {
throw new Error("Bot token and chat ID are required");
} = new TelegramBot(config.botToken, { polling: false });
this.chatId = config.chatId;
public static getInstance(): TelegramEventTracker {
if (!TelegramEventTracker.instance) {
const config: TelegramEventTrackerConfig = {
botToken: process.env.TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN as string,
chatId: process.env.TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID as string,
TelegramEventTracker.instance = new TelegramEventTracker(config);
return TelegramEventTracker.instance;
async trackEvent(eventName: string, eventData: EventData): Promise<void> {
const message = formatEventMessage(eventName, eventData);
try {
await, message);
} catch (error) {
`Failed to send Telegram notification for event ${eventName}:`,
throw new Error(
`Failed to send Telegram notification: ${(error as Error).message}`
function formatEventMessage(eventName: string, eventData: EventData): string {
let message = `New Event: ${eventName}\n\nDetails:`;
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(eventData)) {
message += `\n${key}: ${formatValue(value)}`;
return message;
function formatValue(value: EventData[string]): string {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return", ");
if (value === null || value === undefined) {
return "N/A";
return String(value);
export const eventTracker = TelegramEventTracker.getInstance();
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