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Forked from devalade/coverflow-animation.tsx
Created October 29, 2024 13:28
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Coverflow animation
import { PropsWithChildren, useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { Container } from "~/components/container";
import { ArrowLeft, ArrowRight } from "lucide-react";
import { range } from "~/utils/range";
const IMAGES = [
id: 1,
url: "",
id: 2,
url: "",
id: 3,
url: "",
id: 4,
url: "",
id: 5,
url: "",
id: 6,
url: "",
id: 7,
url: "",
id: 8,
url: "",
id: 9,
url: "",
id: 10,
url: "",
const MAX_ITEMS = 4;
export default function Carousel() {
const [images, setImages] = useState(IMAGES);
const [activeItemWidth, setActiveItemWidth] = useState<number>(60);
const [currentIndex, setCurrentIndex] = useState(MAX_ITEMS);
const scaleStep = 1 / MAX_ITEMS;
const offsetStep = range(-3, MAX_ITEMS * 2 - 1).reduce(
(acc: Record<number, number>, currentValue) => {
acc[currentValue] =
Math.sign(currentValue) * MAX_ITEMS - Math.abs(currentValue);
return acc;
function isBetween(value: number, start: number, stop: number) {
return start <= value && value >= stop;
function isValidInterval(position: number) {
return isBetween(position, -3, -1) || isBetween(position, 1, 3);
function computedOffset(position: number) {
if (position !== 0 && position !== -1 && position !== 1) {
return (
(Math.abs(position) === MAX_ITEMS - 1 ? Math.abs(position) : 0) +
range(1, Math.abs(position) + 1).reduce((acc, currentValue) => {
if (offsetStep[currentValue]) {
return acc + offsetStep[currentValue];
return acc;
}, 0)
return 0;
function computedWidth(position: number) {
return MAX_ITEMS - Math.abs(position) + 1;
function computedScale(position: number) {
if (position === 0) {
return 1;
} else if (
isValidInterval(position) ||
position === -3 ||
position === -2
) {
return 1 - scaleStep * Math.abs(position) + 0.1;
return 0;
function computedOpacity(position: number) {
if (
position === 0 ||
position === -3 ||
position === -2 ||
isBetween(position, -3, -1)
) {
return 1;
return 0;
function computedZIndex(position: number) {
if (position !== 0) {
return images.length - Math.abs(position);
return images.length + 1;
function onNext() {
const imagesCopy = [...images];
const firstItem = imagesCopy.shift();
if (firstItem) {
imagesCopy.push({ id:, url: firstItem.url });
function onPrev() {
const imagesCopy = [...images];
const lastItem = imagesCopy.pop();
if (lastItem) {
imagesCopy.unshift({ id:, url: lastItem.url });
return (
<div className="relative h-screen w-full ">
<Button onClick={onPrev} position="left">
<ArrowLeft className="size-6 stroke-gray-900" />
<Button onClick={onNext} position="right">
<ArrowRight className="size-6 stroke-gray-900" />
{{ url, id }, index) => {
const shift = index - currentIndex;
const width =
shift === 0
? activeItemWidth + "rem"
: Math.abs(shift) === MAX_ITEMS
? 0
: computedWidth(shift) + "rem";
return (
"--width": width,
"--z-index": computedZIndex(shift),
"--shift": shift,
"--scale": computedScale(shift),
"--opacity": computedOpacity(shift),
shift === 0
? "0rem"
: Math.sign(shift) *
(activeItemWidth / 2 +
computedWidth(shift) +
computedOffset(shift)) +
"--height": "30rem",
width: "var(--width)",
zIndex: "var(--z-index)",
"translate(calc(-50% + var(--skip)), -50%) scale(var(--scale)",
opacity: "var(--opacity)",
} as any
className="inline-block flex-none w-[--width] h-[--height] inset-1/2 aspect-video absolute transition-all ease-in-out rounded-3xl overflow-hidden duration-700"
className="w-full h-full object-cover"
// loading="lazy"
function Button({
}: PropsWithChildren<{ position: "left" | "right"; onClick: () => void }>) {
return (
className="bg-white rounded-full p-1.5 shadow-gray-800 shadow-sm absolute data-[position=left]:left-2 data-[position=right]:right-2 bottom-1/2 translate-y-1/2 z-10"
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